Breaking News. Smurfs in competitive have reached critical mass! Is taking a break a good idea?

Thanks, Tangerine. That made me feel a little better. Seriously.

Although i would admit that i used my main, for what it is worth because i suck, to “farm” loot boxes and to get to level 25 …even scored a POTG at level 5…and i do feel guilty

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Gold player telling us how to win the game. Thanks for the brig tip I can finally climb out of bronze now

Shouldn’t you be using Quick Play for this? No idea why anyone would practice in comp mode…


Quick play is not really fun and not a competitive experiance. It doesn’t push you mind to learn aim as well as an alt/smurf. Playing dps on my main account is just throwing sometimes since there are always dps mains and others who are better at it. Getting an alt around 200-500 ar below really helps to practice aim and learn new heroes

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Let me 1v1 you with a brig on you as a dps. Lets go bois, add me up.

Thanks for asking Born2BeRetro, ĤǞPPŶ had spoken my mind,

and i would also add that:

Granted, so far, because of work and familial commitments, i have had very little time playing OW in the past few weeks, much less Competitive mode.

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lol yep a gold realises this fundamental tactic against Brig a char everyone cries about but you prob cry about Brig in gm too. Please let me know when you finally move out of mummy’s basement and we can a little party in your honour.

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you want me to be dps?

You were implying every person getting wrecked by a brig is because they’re brainless bimbos not knowing how to counter switch. Then you prove to me how easy that is then, but not on a comfort pick like tank.

BTW I do play tank. And I know the easiest counter to brig as a tank is using Rein and hammer her when she hammers me. But my SUPPORTS has to deal with her too. My DPS has to deal with her too. You’re making it sound as if only idiots gets wrecked by a hero with armor, self heal, M1 damage, and high burst potential.

no the person I replied to commented that Brig screws up ults by pressing a button, you keep an eye on when she shield bashes and then ult…its not rocket science. no one moans that DVA can eat many ults at the press of a button do they?

Your mid plat im low gold but sure I can duel you as Brig if you like I reckon I would still have a fair chance with her


or make a monthly subscription that adds more loot boxes per level that way smurfs will only pay for 1-2 acc max and that will REDUCE the F smurfing:slight_smile:

yeah that’s exactly what we need Another subscription service

am not saying you have to pay for it to play the game but if u do u connect with ppl that pays for subscription that way u can avoid smurfs or otherwise just facking bann them yesterday iv seen 3 enemy players lower then level 50 in master

so you’re saying you should pay for balanced games?
yeah not a chance

You rather bann every smurf for the greater good?

I would say that alternate accounts have created quite the issue in general.

You dont have to be a diamond tracer in mid silver playing tracer in order to wreck lower elo. I dont think any diamond player regardless of who they play should be in a silver game. They have far superior game sense shot calling abilities you name it. It’s going to create issues period.

Yesterday I ran into a widow that would not switch period even though they weren’t doing jack. Their answer was this is my alt account I am going to play widow so basically they didnt care if they lost cause they had a higher account.

Mid to high silver is absolutely littered to the nines with platish smurfs and they can pretty much solo carry. Honestly very few people in low elo are legitimately low elo players anymore.


well if you’re using alt accounts to practice heroes you need to get better at them that’s okay I’m talking about the people who play their mains and such to smash people who do’t stand a chance ot just throw for the luls .

That is not the problem the problem is 1 Smurf on enemy team makes a difference

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As for the original post. I dont think waiting is going to help anything. Historically speaking waiting till holiday events does nothing to make grinding comp any easier. All the casuals will be farming loot boxes in arcade, qp, and the holiday event.

It’s not just smurfs that are a problem. The real issue is the average casual 6 pack joe doesnt play comp anymore. Keep in mind your average comp player and average overwatch player are 2 completely different animals.

Your average comp player is somewhere in mid gold. Your average overwatch player at this point probably barely musters low silver anymore.

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honestly there’s going to be a problem with alt accounts either way even if they’re not greifing they still have better game sense and that’s unavoidable, But I’m not going to ban some guy’s alt account if they’re just a tank main trying to get better at dps without having to put their rank at risk to have some proper practice.
My problem is with the malicious smurfs who aren’t trying to do that and just do whatever they want while ruining many peoples game experience

and for that. The reason I have for waiting is that the majority of people who probably aren’t streaming got bored and probably would go back to their mains to play the event and get new items rather than continue greifing lower elo players and many of them probably don’t want to spend 80 dollars to get all of the items super fast as most of them just

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