Bottom 500 OPEN Placements

Here are the codes:

[Edited by Blizzard]

The rigging got progressively harder with each win. The first 1-2 matches I could land headshots blindfolded - it may as well have been a console/cross-platform match. Then the hitboxes/hitreg got smaller. I noticed some follow up matches had skillchecks on certain win conditions like aim/hitscan ability and other breakpoints. Finally the last 2-3 matches were quite hard. I basically had to potato out on Bast or Widow. The 2nd last match had leavers on my team and we basically had to win 5v6. The final match had me on zoned in with a 5-stack throwing, trolling, and being very toxic (I have screenshots of it), vs. decent bronze/silver players. It was all solo queue, there was no tryharding or super sweating it. Just basic OW in the <500.

So yeah, that’s bottom 1% overwatch. Final score: 666 sr, up a bit from <500 for those 9/10 wins. Enjoy the codes!




Imagine a game getting more difficult the higher you climb in difficulty :exploding_head:


Imagine that difficulty margin being <500 to 666sr. I.e. bottom 0.7% to bottom 1.1% or something like that. Either way, it’s still the bottom of the ladder, the land where no one has monitor on, new to M+KB, new to pc fps, etc.

Am I right? Everyone is at their proper rank. The ladder is fine. Certainly after 27 seasons and thousands of matches I am where I belong.

Any tips on what I should do to be maybe high bronze? What mistakes I should fix? Climbing to the bottom 5% of all players to ever install sounds like a goal to shoot for this season.


I’ll watch a match later.

You want a written VOD or a YouTube VOD?

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Just a short 2-3 point summary for 1-2 maps? The last match doesn’t count (the one we lost). It was pure toxic next (me+5stack clearly trolling and setting me up to lose 2v1s). I played all roles. Not looking for pro tips just reasons why I’m bottom 1% and not say, bottom 7%. I had all the stats, what I think was decent map control, a few decent plays, and probably grand total of 6 deaths over 10 matches.

Recall it is bronze OPEN comp, so a lot of the 222 gold+ coaching breaks down. I usually VoD review my own replays for thought-process - that helps with coaching because it explains why I zigged when coach hindsight says “zag”.

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Lord knows I prefer coaching role queue because it’s a better mode…

But I’ll dig into my flex play style…

The only one I’m really interested in is Ilios since it’s a loss. There’s less to knit-pick in a win.


I explained why Illios was basically a forced loss. VoD won’t be helpful there. The 5stack was EXTREMELY toxic at the start gates. I played Widow on Gibraltar when we were 5v6.

What I want you to knit-pick isn’t why we win/lose - it’s what mistakes I’m making that classify me as bottom 1% player.

Simple ask simple request. Don’t need detailed VoD. Just come up with reasons why I’m bottom of the ladder i.e. hardstuck belong <500 the last several years. Because I would love to know what an 800sr player is doing that is lightyears out of reach for me.

You should be able to spot immediately what mistakes I’m making - what the recurring theme is - that explains why I’m the lowest possible rank.

Thanks in advance.

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for me, it was about improving everything. aim. positioning. mindset. adjusting to the team. making adjustments based on the enemy team. everything.

Bronze is mostly a solo game where one person can make all the difference. Personal aim holds a lot if you’re DPS, positioning holds a lot if you’re support, and knowing when to use aggression holds a lot if you’re playing tank.

I promise that the game isn’t holding you back. You’ve seen me push forward. :slight_smile:

I’ll take a look at your game here in a bit.


Is there anything in those replays that screams of bottom1% and is hard gapped by someone bottom 5%? Because I’m WORSE now then I was 2 years ago. And I was <500 2 years ago. I’m just even more bad/washed now.

Alright, I checked out your watchpoint game and this is what I’m seeing.

Your aggression level is far too low as a DPS and far too high as a tank. You’re often going in alone and not taking into consideration the other members of your team.

As defense you didn’t set up for the first push until they had moved the cart to the second choke point and then instantly gave up the high ground. You then stayed as far away from the fight as possible, on the high ground, for the rest of the match.

As an attacker you did well as Widowmaker and your aim was actually impressive for your level of play. As Winston you attacked very aggressively so much so that your team was not able to keep up with you. At anything above 1200 you’ll just fall over dead with that kind of strategy. In all honesty the enemy bastion should have ate you alive when you jumped them.

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Yep the reasoning for that Gibraltar match is rear guard with highground. No real trust in team sustain, lots of feeding, etc. So safety bastion, with flank angles, lot’s of scare/bait distract mindgames. And bastion because I was just lazy. And I wanted to skillcheck THEM on their placements ability to dive solo (unpocketed/unshielded) bastion.

But then when it was 5v6 I went Widow thinking a few picks might get us out of the gates, and they did. Our guy came back and we won with their hammond derping around.

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You didn’t fire a single bullet for the first minute and a half of the game. Even in sentry mode you can fight on the high ground with mobility, and bastion is extremely accurate.

You shouldn’t be worrying about “mind gaming” people at that level - it doesn’t matter. There are a ton of 1v1s where personal skill matters a lot more than knowing what they are thinking. What they are actively doing or where they actually are is a lot more important.

Your aim alone should be able to carry you higher if you get a bit more aggressive as DPS.

There is a thing called “value of life” that you might be interested in. As in, when the enemy is pushing the cart the value of a defenders life is a LOT more valuable the further away from the attacker spawn.

Example: Your life is worth 100% on the first choke, 50% on the second choke, and 25% on the final choke. Aggression should be inverse to that.

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I get your point, but yeah but we lost the first fight iirc (haven’t looked since playing). No sense comitting to a stagger unless I can charge ult faster than feed it.

Any other maps looked at? Maybe the first couple are good examples. Dorado, Nepal, Numbani?


points as they come up:

-please lower the frequency you alternate A and D with when you’re side strafing, you’re very easy to hit when you spam both keys rapidly like that. Randomise it up a bit, only shoot when you’re standing still so it doesn’t affect your aim.

-why did you switch from soldier to widow?

-why did you spend so long so far behind your back line? the high ground you eventually grapple to when the enemy had 56% capped on the first round, OR the high ground to the right of that would have been fine to situate yourself in much, much earlier.

-you’ll probably increase your hit rate with widow if you stop trying for trick shots and just shoot people

-widow mine placement is weird, you should use it where you expect people to try to flank you from and you won’t be actively watching a lot. you’ll get free infravision on whoever trips it, and also you’ll know if someone is creeping up on you. it’s not like a junkrat mine.

-you might find it easier to hit shots with widow by aiming differently. leave your crosshairs at head height near an entrance to a choke and wait for someone to walk into them, then click. don’t try to flick or anything like that, just leave your mouse still, and click when the time is right. consciously doing this will also help you improve your crosshair placement which will help with all heroes, not just widow.

-Final Thoughts: you’re spending most of your time in the match not actually playing the game. I think this is the main reason you lost this match - it was effectively a 5v6 the entire game for your team.


There were several reasons for this loss as I explained. It might be an excuse/crutch, but that game was pretty much borked.

Anything to comment on in the other 9/10 matches? Like what my gameplay looks like and why it’s keeping me <500 (technically in the 600s atm). Like is there something fundamentally wrong with my gamesense, knowledge, hero kit utilization, aim, etc…that absolutely screams of bottom 1% player?

Because that’s where it’s been hosting me for 4+ years. The bottom 1%. Not saying I’m good - but like what would a bottom 7% player (high bronze) be doing that is miles out of reach for me?

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Dude just watched the match and pointed out huge flaws in your performance - it’s partly why you lost the match.


Sure but what about the 9 wins? What in those 9 wins explains why I’m on without a question the bottom of the ladder? Like is there something a mid-bronze would be doing in those 9 wins that really stands out as being 600sr above my peak?

Haven’t watched replays but I doubt you were the one carrying any game - if you make those mistakes that OP stated in one game I’m sure you make similar mistakes in the other games. I’m not sure why you’re playing these characters anyway - play torb or mei and win every game - works in higher ranks so it will definitely work in bronze. Or play Ashe for bob.

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