Bot auto fill and leave in real time

How can i make bots to automaticaly fill empty team slots and automaticaly leave the slot to a player when they joins, and then fill back the slot if they leave, without needing to restart the game?
Also it would be nice if the bot could pick a hero based on team composition

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Right now, you can’t add the normal bots with scripting commands, only dummy bots.

Adding dummy bots to the game in the way you asked shouldn’t be too hard. The hard part is making the bots do… well, anything that’s not standing still.


I’m dumb, could you link me to somewhere where they explain how to do so?

You need allot of scripting knowledge. MY AI project is that what you search: Custom Legendary Bots 6.0 - Patch Notes March 20, 2020 I work 6 months on this. So take a look

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