Boston Uprising vs. Atlanta Reign - FINAL

man, what are teams gonna do if dva gets taken out of the hero pool for a week?

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They are setting up double angle and the Dva is just running circles around them. Might want to try the good old double shield and stack barriers instead.

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Why, go double shield, that’s what!

The true double shield is Rein + Orisa now.

Orisa and Sig together are barely worth a single Rein shield. Then they set a double angle so they have two paper shields instead of one decent one.


Sigma is just a worse D.Va and Blizzard’s solution is to lower his ult charge time. Smhf.

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That map was just really lopsided.

Still have Winston and Ball for dive type comps.

However with D.Va banned Rein would just be slotted back in :sweat_smile:

He really is the worse D.Va. No mobility, grasp is weaker then DM overall and his ultimate is easily countered. Only saving grace he has is Accretion going through DM, Grasp and Deflect.

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I wonder if Winston + Rein might be viable. Winston’s bubble is pretty considerable now and you can kinda rotate between the frontline and dive just like Dva.

He uses his barrier most similarly to DM moreso than grasp. Yeah he eats ults with grasp but that’s not the bulk of DM’s usage.

He needs to be able to repostion his shield sooner…

That was the major complaint about DM originally. Dvas being able to just flick it quickly eating important CDs while using minimum resources.

Removing the CD on shield reposition presents the same problem.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be removed entirely but it shouldn’t be as long as it is currently.

Also Sigma’s barrier was less flickable than DM used to be, because he had to move it in place.

Am I the only one who is only sticking around cos he wants to see the Watchpoint hosts try to ban the most popular heroes (and fail again)…


Grasp is also a lot harder to use shut down a Blizzard than DM. Gotta be at just the right place facing Mei.


Has Mercy now seen enough pickrate to be banned? Tears would flow like a river.

No. Doubt it’s even close.

I’m fully expecting Brigitte to be the support who gets banned. But it could be Lucio or Ana. Zen might be eligible too.

Mouffin. I admire the spirit. But uh. Sigma isn’t good anymore

I suspect Lucio and Brig would just trade places in whatever comp there is.

Winston, Brigitte, Tracer, and Sombra are probably all eligible now.

can mouffin PLEASE stop trying to run sigma? its clearly not working. idk what he or the boston coaches are thinking