Bonus SR for joining comms

joins vc for extra sr
lowers chat volume to zero
good plan

High ranks use comms because we know how to do so effectively. That doesn’t happen in low elo, and most of the time the callouts just flood comms

The thing is that this has a rating system. You’ll be ranked accordingly to whatever you lack, and for some it’s not an issue.

Also, if someone has a robotic leg and they can play soccer at a high level, why shouldn’t they? People will do what they want, and end up ranked accordingly. Don’t try to stop people from playing comp just because they don’t share the same ideals or don’t meet your standards

Is this a excuse as to why you stuck in gold is people dont join voice

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Been saying this for a while now:

They absolutely, inarguably need to be for Competitive.

Are you actually saying someone who is deaf shouldn’t be able to play competitive Overwatch because someone with an amputated leg can’t play professional soccer? Should you not be able to play ranked because of your logic being so godawful? I certainly wouldn’t be against the latter.

And i absolutely, inarguably respect why you feel that way.

But i also absolutely, inarguably disagree :slight_smile:

Why don’t you send in a support ticket to verify that not using a mic for comp is against the TOS, then send us the answer? Oh that’s right, because you already know what they are going to say.

People already get punished by not joining VC: they play messy. Whether joining VC directly affects whether your win or not is another discussion, but let’s just say you’re heavily disadvantaged playing with no comms against a team who does.

There’s a deaf player who reached GM. And guess what, he JOINED comm. Even when he can’t hear. Why? Because courtesy. Now if even a deaf player joins comm to show his good will while people with perfectly good hearing refuse to because they’d rather type 5 seconds later after they die from a flanking Reaper, I really don’t know what else to say.

People are just weak minded these days and rather b1tch in chat about how they’re not getting help or their teammates are hard bots that can’t telepathically understand them that refuse to hear nor say a single word. Heck, you don’t have to talk in VC, just hearing callouts is 100 times better than playing mime.

Oh hey, my Genji asks for nano or Damage Boost pocket on Mercy. What’s that? IM SORRY BUT YOU HAVE TO TYPE SON. PUT DOWN YOUR MOUSE AND TYPE MID GAME “bro, come here bro, i wanna flank and need nano/pocket pls”. WHATS THAT, YOU DIED BECAUSE YOU DRY BLADED? Sorry bro, I was too busy reading the chat and sending letters to my team that I forgot there are 11 people in front of my face that needs help and are trying to kill each other. Just type faster bro!!

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You shouldn’t be rewarded hard earned currency for just joining a chat room. Also it isn’t required. If I could climb to masters without being in chat my whole experience in Overwatch (since beta) then it’s more of just a team problem.

Send in a support ticket to the same team that once told me false reporting doesn’t exist?

Yeah, I already know what they’re going to say, because they’ve already proven how woefully out of touch they are with the game they’re meant to be supporting.

It’s cute you think you can compare GM voice chat to the clown fiesta in anything under diamond. When I used to join voice chat in my ranked games, nobody EVER made callouts, tracked ults, or compliment anyone on great plays. It’s all been either people nagging others about changing heroes, or telling us reaper is behind half a second before he ults. You get an A for effort I suppose, nice try. Your emotional response not specifically addressing any of my earlier posts doesn’t verify that I’m weak minded btw.

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I mean, to be fair to you I also agree these devs are out of touch and have no idea how to maintain a game competitively. With that being said, nobody is getting banned for not using voice chat, regardless of what your judgement of Overwatch’s TOS is. Idk why you guys advocate using mics so much anyways, there is such little positivity you get from taking with randoms in solo que, most of the time you will just end up playing worse.

Also what rank are you? I’m curious of how well you are doing with the great things your mandatory comms are doing for ya.

Why don’t you? This is such typical blame shifting that I’m not surprised people keep blaming their team for their woes. If no one does callouts, YOU do. If someone’s being toxic/talking uselessly, MUTE them. If all the lobby is talking trash exit the comms. You don’t have to be such a snowflake that you fear every game you join and try to talk there’s gonna be a douchebag trying to pray on you.
Trash people exist. Assuming that everyone is trash and refusing to even TRY to hear if people communicate properly is just hard handicapping your own team.

Congrats for addressing a point! I’m not sure how I’m blame shifting though. If nothing positive ever comes out of the year’s worth of voice chat I involve myself in, why should I keep joining? Seems like a no-brainer to me, I’m not insane. I also never blame my team for anything, why should I when I cant control what they do or say? The faster you learn to play the game without relying on your teammates, the faster you will start improving. Am I a special snowflake for wanting to play in silence and focus on improving my own gameplay? That’s rich coming from someone with a private profile.

Congrats for addressing a point! I’m not sure how I’m blame shifting though. If nothing positive ever comes out of the year’s worth of voice chat I involve myself in, why should I keep joining? Seems like a no-brainer to me, I’m not insane. I also never blame my team for anything, why should I when I cant control what they do or say? The faster you learn to play the game without relying on your teammates, the faster you will start improving. Am I a special snowflake for wanting to play in silence and focus on improving my own gameplay? That’s rich coming from someone with a private profile.

I had already mentioned that in a post but those are extremely rare cases…also if you’re mute you can still hear

True. But you gotta learn somehow, and you’re gonna suck at something (comms in this scenario) before you get better at them.

Example: Some dps goes: “heal me, heal me!”
Supports: “I don’t know who you are or where you are” or “Come to me for healing”
Dps figures out he needs to state his location and name for assist + make sure to pay attention to whree his supports are located… (yeah lol I know that not how dps insta think but some do - and those climb)

That dps wouldn’t have learned that if he wasn’t in comms.
He also wouldn’t leanr what “main” is or how to make callouts if he doesn’t listen to them. You gotta at least listen to learn what works and what doesn’t.