Blizzcon is last chance

Even if Overwatch started tanking Blizzard has the “go F2P” button to fall back on.

Just like WoW has being dying right?

You are literally, objectively incorrect.
LFG, Custom games, hero limits, new characters, new maps, new arcade modes, new skins, new emotes… etc… etc… etc…

There are only two modes
“what about the arcade with a bunch of different modes?”
“those don’t count”

What? Are you serious?
What about the custom game lobby that has a bunch of fan-made modes? Ana paintball?

Kind of like OW…
Oh, wait, the extra modes in OW don’t count because…


That’s every game dude. Those different ways to play and different things to do within those modes are what the developers want you to play.
How can you not see this?

Time will tell. You seem to think that if nothing happens very soon the game will be dead in less than a year. If that’s your claim it’s pretty drastic and you’ve done nothing to justify it.


the game is already dying… the hype is dead.

once a new AAA fps comes out say bye to many players.

Like the one that came out a month ago?

I know, your post WAS funny.

Short of buying the game it is free to play.

nope there wasnt any …

You’re right, it came 5 days ago.

no it did not… stop trolling

COD 4 came out Oct 11th.

yea if you think cod is an AAA game then you are pretty wrong… cod has been washed out since many years. same with battlefield…

Was that the sound of you moving the goalpoasts according to your random definition of AAA?
Because you just completely lost any credibility and the argument.

Oh and btw… FYI: OW is not an FPS. It’s a FPM (First Person Moba).

Why is it that something has to be released every time they do a public event?

Why can’t we have something like hero balance be more preferable to the community?

There’s no use in releasing new heroes, and new heroes, and more new heroes when they will all need balancing.

Isn’t this how MOBAs got really bad?

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I didn’t make it seem that way at all, unless you don’t understand the term “revenue.” When someone asks you how much you make, it’s not deceptive to tell them your income before taxes.

Oh you know how it is…
The game is badly balanced, also why don’t we have 50 heroes yet? Also all the new heroes are awful and ruin the game! Also where IS the new heroes? And More Maps! And why so few skins!!

The fanbase is very greedy.

I have a feeling that the OP counts towards Blizz games in general, not only OW.

Honestly - they need to go back to the old Blizzard mindset to keep people, community and culture they created.

Just do whatever drastic decission needed to cut off Activi :poop: and start focusing on making good games again.

This company can easily be no.1 again.

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Fricking lol…

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Events and animated shorts? That’s on par with renaming the game.