Blizzard's daily dose of REVERT MERCY thread

well even tho you cannot speak for every player I think everyone can surely admit that Rez is just annoying af and should not be a normal ability. they are constantly nerfing her to make up for the fact that she has rez on a 30 sec timer. good luck blizzord

And definitely 100% accurate

Replying to all those would be pretty exhausting. I play DPS, I play Ana, and I occasionally play Mercy, and Iā€™m quite fine with where she is. I just donā€™t feel the need to constantly vocalize how okay things are.

Forums have a way of making things seem much more extreme than they are, especially in the negative direction. If people like the state of something, then theyā€™re probably content enough to not post about it. If people dislike the state of something, they more often want to post about it.

We previously had the ā€œMercy Megathread,ā€ which amalgamated most of the Mercy feedback from other threads into one place that incidentally made it much easier to see stats. It looked daunting at first, with such a massive number of posts (approaching 20,000), unless you looked more closely and saw that somewhere around 30 people account for most of those posts.

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This forum is rather small. Go ahead and make the same topic over reddit or a different forum and you will see such topic wonā€™t receive too much attention. This forum is also rarely moderated which is why you see duplicate topics about ā€œthe lastest skin revealā€ instead of just one like on any well moderated forum.


Yes, because you are an extremely popular and well known figure within the overwatch community and the majority of them follow you ,so this matter a lot.

Because a very large amount of people on here main mercy ,itā€™s that simple.

Also ,posts that are against mercyā€™s state in balance (Like ones that think sheā€™s OP) arenā€™t the same as the ones asking for a revert, thereā€™s a major difference.

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People come here to complain. The people who enjoy Mercy are going to play her and not come here to complain about it.


Before the last nerf she was fine. Now she is weaker then she should be but still very strong in the right comp and right hands.

Or alternatively how does one not know this? We canā€™t really be sure either way whether a majority like or hate current Mercy unfortunately.

Do you have a source/dataset which proves ā€˜a lot of people are happyā€™ ? This forum isnā€™t a sufficient dataset to know for certain, nor some professional players, nor a bunch of popular streamers, nor a small friends list.

Unfortunately while that sounds logicalā€¦ thereā€™s still likely many that will not come to a forum regardless. Iā€™ve had some issues with some other games in the past but Iā€™ve not always used an official forum to mention these issues.

ā€œA lotā€ is not a given ammount.
ā€œallā€ is.

One needs proof, the other doesnā€™t really.
And if you really need proof, have you seen the comments on here?

Regardless of whether itā€™s ā€˜a lotā€™ or ā€˜allā€™, itā€™s still a ā€˜claimā€™ that canā€™t be easily verified and most certainly not by going on ā€˜comments hereā€™. They donā€™t represent the majority of the playerbase :slight_smile:.

EDIT: Iā€™m not going to make any further replies in order to save wasting my time trying to speak logically here. Iā€™ve tried but Iā€™m not getting anywhere. Thread is now muted.

I never said anything about most.
I said a lot.
Not all.
Not a majority.
Not a few.
Not one.
Not two.

And this thread alone confirms that.

Ehh when Iā€™m forced on Mercy I enjoy Valk, especially since you get to fly and weave through the air while healing more then one person, in a way Mercyā€™s ult turns OW into starcraft XD

blizzard OD on revert mercy threads months ago itā€™s pretty clear that no matter how bad the rework is they will never revert it because that means ā€œall those hours wastedā€ on adding one ability taking a month screwing with it the base power being essentially at 500% just to say nah thats to op and make it what it should be in 5 minutes.

When valk was announced and in ptr everyone knew it was broken and it was like that deliberately no sane dev that ā€œplaysā€ there own game would do that unless the mained her and given the unneeded movement reduction when ressing bring her full circle on her res and why it got the buffs that caused it to be reworked, I think itā€™s pretty clear valk 1.0 was a troll and they donā€™t care about ticking anyone off anymore, trolls spammed posts with hate but even before that in the last forumes if you slighted any of the patch devs valid complaint or not you were hit with an instant silence, but with the new forums a new rule for mods and they can no longer be told to do that so they just dropped off the forums, the kings lost to democracy and left only poking in on occasion to entertain those still loyal.

Step out of the echo chamber

Take a long hard look at any other overwatch community. Reddit and discord are great places to start.

Even in the forums itā€™s not a majority thereā€™s tons of new threads made on nonsensical stuff related to overwatch but most of the troll and hate threads get bumped back up because of the argueing. Maybe if they added sub threads to the main threads, like general and comp would get nonsensical, controversial but general threads would also got a 3rd one called lore bug and ptr would get sub threads based on the types of bugs merging with technical support as that itself can be a sub thread to bug report

If you could see without having to go to the post the original date a lot of them would be two weeks old or more.

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:rofl: This is getting ridiculous. Everybody likes the current changes man, itā€™s only a small minority of Revert Mercy cultists that is incredibly loud, annoying and spams with threads every 10 seconds.

You donā€™t speak for all Mercy players - I like Mercy she is fun and she is balanced.
You certainly donā€™t speak for Ana players and DPS players. You speak for yourself.

Well done Blizz, keep the changes coming.

This isnā€™t a well thought out thread - the dude doesnā€™t recognize mechanical skill as part of balance. If you think Mazz Rez with 100hp AoE burst heal for Mercy and living allies on top is a good idea you are absolutely delusional.