“Fan” but said in a: afraid, worried, flinching way, I would be worried if someone actually named their account after Aria Rose, not much because of her as a person, but simply the fact of being such an admirer.
ah, ok, gotcha
That’s the thing, I did look through your post history and what the people are saying in this thread seems to match up…
Also, kind of ironic because as you asked, I did look through the other user’s post history (@EOW who posted the checklist)…:
The user @EOW doesn’t seem to have an inflammatory post history…actually quite the opposite Other than responding to this thread, his/her post history is about paladdins, answering other forum newbies questions about dates for events (when Winter Wonderland starts), and a discussion on what they want for a winter wonderland skin…Like you said in your reply to me, I think we should stay on topic instead of:
So I agree, with what you said:
Also, as you said, please don’t attack other people who are sharing their opinion about this post by accusing them of having a toxic post history when they don’t. This, plus significantly editing your original reply post to me (compare the quotes I made to what is now in your reply…you edited more than your signature), just adds more evidence to the idea that you’re just baiting me into a troll because I don’t know enough about you/the forums yet to detect a meme/troll.
It also kind of speaks volumes to me if you make a “serious” post (still not sure if I’m getting trolled) and a lot of users (the majority of the responses in this post) are calling you out for passive aggressiveness, spamming the same threads, and asking valid questions about the purpose of blush emojis that you don’t answer?
It’s my smurf. Main is RosenAria, I just forget to log into my main a lot.
Nope, not going to happen.
I mean… I’m all for Mercy getting some love but I’ve became… at peace with this rework. Valkyrie used to bore me a lot but I use it preemptively which quite often makes my team win the fight because of the sheer sustain and the ability to be a more mobile Orisa supercharger.
The only thing I think we should change is the fact Valkyrie doesn’t boost resurrect in any way now. It used to reduce its cooldown to 10 seconds and gave a charge of resurrect + a reset of the actual cooldown. It was also instant.
We’ve gone from this amount of power to… no modification in valkyrie. Cast time stays the same, cooldown stays the same and it doesn’t reset anymore.
I believe the most basic change we should get is a reset of the cooldown like genji’s swift strike. I understand the difference in power for both of these, but it’s similar. Mercy needs resurrect to stay relevant in the fight.
This, or maybe a reduction in the cast time during valkyrie. Maybe both, who knows.
Valkyrie needs something more but I think something good can be achieved with it.
Let’s git r dun. #reworkmercy
Do mercy mains not know what its like to have their favorite hero be terrible?
Reaper, soldier, hog (he is much better now), mei (best of these heroes), tracer, mccree, and bastion have all needed reworks for so long, and partially because Brigitte has hardly been touched in 9 months (Jesus Christ why do i play this game anymore). All of these heroes are D tier at best, they are playableish but you have to be so good to get any value out of them. Of the heroes in D tier mercy is not one, mercy is at worst, the second best of the 3 main healers (of which you need 1 of for each team).
Mercy is still the easiest hero, she still gets a free rez, and she is still a great pocket for snipers. Mercy is very playable and if you do not find mercy engaging stop playing Mercy and realize that Overwatch has not been very engaging because of the meta for a while.
All of the heroes that I have mentioned desperately need something changed in the game just to make them playable (maybe not mei bc I hate her). Please if we rework weak heroes let mercy be the last.
False choice. Just cause Bastion needs a rework doesn’t mean Mercy doesn’t.
And Reaper could be one additional ability away from returning to viability.
I love it because they’re like: “I know some Mercy mains like Mercy currently, i know some Mercy mains like Valkyie as a mechanic, i know some believe Mercy is balanced but F them! They’re entitled to their wrong opinion and Blizzard needs to know its Time for them to change My Mercy the Way i Want ”
Like lmao girl the fake niceness isnt thick enough to hide the fact you want these changes for you and not for the wellness of the game and the entire Mercy playerbase
And with this, I think I realize the point of you being in this thread, as well as your intentions. Though admittedly I must say, you did have me going for a bit. Very cute. I admire you for defending a known troll’s past behavior (considering how such behavior was handled by those watching over this forum).
I find it interesting that you came to such a strong conclusion about someone you hardly know though, despite the fact that you have claimed yourself to be “new to the forums”, merely because the troll’s views on Mercy align with your own, and what others have told you about Mercy mains who disagree with them. But looking at your first post in this thread, and the age of this account I’m speaking to, vs how rooted their opinions seem to be on others, I am left to believe that you aren’t here to post anything constructive, but rather, to project your opinions on others, through another account. But I digress, I could of course just be speculating there.
To that I say, I’m dreadfully sorry that you feel that way about the way I type, but alas, that’s kind of par for the course in my discussions, and I certainly don’t intend on changing that any time soon. I will leave you with this however, since you seem to be so observant of how others “should” behave.
I would suggest that you take some more time in doing your research regarding the views of the people you are agreeing with, and how they respond to the Mercy mains of this forum, and how you too are projecting yourself about them. And for the record, I’ve used such emojis long before you (or your friend) have been on this forum, and my style of writing has not changed since.
At this point though, I do think this discussion has gone on for quite long enough, and whatever you think of me is cute, but sadly, irrelevant to this topic at hand.
Once again, this is a discussion on Mercy’s current state, Reworks, and possible solutions for the hero. You have already made it clear that you don’t want a rework, and hey, that’s fine! This thread is about reworks though, so unless you are here to give solutions (of which you haven’t so far), I question why you would find this topic interesting, other than to argue with me (from what I’ve seen so far, and with most of your posts, that holds true even now). Nevertheless, we have a difference in opinion, and thus, are going to have to agree to disagree on it, and leave it at that.
Thanks for projecting your opinion though! Feel free to get any last words in (and I’m sure you want to, considering what you have obviously expressed in terms of how you think of me). I will give you the pleasure of not responding. Either way, let’s keep it classy, respectful, and constructive, and I wish you well in your endeavors. Our conversations have been most… Thrilling. Have a good one, and tell the rest of them I said hi!
No problem! I’m glad you enjoyed the read, and thank you for the inspiring new video (It was awesome!)
I’m sorry, where in the OP did I claim that “we are the good guys?”
Also, are you trying to imply that the #deletebrig movement wasn’t the alternative? I’m curious to know your thoughts?
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
I dont want a revert. The old version was poorly designed. I’m fine with a rework, but would honestly just want more heroes. After a fair chunk of heroes are added it should be clear were the direction of the hero should be. Personally I believe her role is as thee “pocket” healer, and it’s her mobility that keeps players engaged. With that in mind “valkyrie” is the ultimate ability to represent her. Not letting teamates die for extra value.
Dog what you’re saying is the equivalent of looking at a homeless person and a guy with 500$ and saying “hey man just because these homeless people need our limited supply of free food for homeless people doesn’t mean this guy with money for food doesn’t need it.”
I assume you haven’t been around when Mercy was in 1.0 before the rework and invincibility buffs, and during her period of 14 sledgehammer nerfs?
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
I think I just got a charlie horse from that stretch.
I agree. I kind of don’t understand how there is this need for some type of “queue” on heroes that are to be balanced before others. I’m sure the staff are more than capable of balancing multiple heroes, and with previous tweaks to heroes that have been seen as “not being priority” in the past, further proves that apparently, such a queue doesn’t exist. They seem to balance whoever they want, whenever they want - which, by looking at how many things we as a community demand from them, is totally fine with me.
All heroes that need to be looked at, should be looked at. And I believe that Mercy is certainly one of those heroes.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
actually, i tried a lot having a civil discussion, but you walled me with lots of “thanks for projecting your opinion”, “i disagree” and an endless onslaught of “”.
Then i noticed how repetitive your posts were and made a meme checklist because it was the only thing left to say.
Glad to see you are still following it to a tee.
Otherwise, i just hang around and discuss paladins if it’s brought up and try to say what i think.
If you’d bother reading my posts you’d realize i wrote a lot about why i think mass rez doesn’t work, no matter how many caveats you put on it. Also, my stance on mercy’s current state.
- mass rez doesn’t work. Mercy was barely viable with insta-rez with invincibility and was so only because ana’s nerfs. Plus, it wasn’t long before the rework, so it’s not like we had much time to get used to her invincibility mass rez.
- her problem was not “being unfun” or “hide’n’rez”. Her problem was that her ult was the only good thing in her kit. So her entire value was “how consisnently can she pull off rez?”. So she always lost to ana, which didn’t rely on her ult to be good.
- mass rez with los and cast time will make it even more inconsistent to use. Like, her ult will almost always be a suicide button, kinda like pharah or mc cree’s ult.
basically, mass rez dooms her to be too inconsistent to be used anywhere. No E ability can save her from this fate.
That’s why she was reworked.
As of valk rework, that i don’t speak about. That’s not my point.
I think now she’s balanced. She does what she’s supposed to do and her ult isn’t about stopping other ults, but to offer support during a push.
It is to be used pre-emptively, not as a panic button to save a lost fight. Stop playing her like you had mass rez and you’ll start getting results.
Right now she’s victim of the meta.
She’s terrible with tanks and is competing for the spot of main healer in a tank comp, so… well, she’s not gonna be good.
Also, are you seriously so paranoid and delusional, that everyone that disagrees with you must be a troll or in it with eachouther?
I don’t know eevee. Just because they agree with me doesn’t mean i told them what to say.
to eevee: i’m male.
sounds like ad personam
I disagree
don’t @ me
Constructive feedback falsely flagged by the same people who accuse Mercy players of not providing constructive feedback in the first place.
Please share? I’ve maintained the same question throughout all my replies: is this a troll/meme or is it genuine? Any other conclusion you may have “realized” is conjecture, considering all I’ve done is ask that question and take your advice (look through post histories of other users you said are toxic and harass you). Admittedly I only looked through the top 10 most recent comments made by said people (including you), but in the top 10 recent comments of the user you specified as toxic, there really were only paladdin comments, Winter Wonderland date explanations, and ideas for a winter skin hero. Your post history is mainly in this thread and another, and have the same tone that I’ve asked you about (and others in this thread have asked you about). I have no malicious intentions…so not sure what the purpose of
This was, especially because that’s a pretty heavy handed, sarcastic accusation and represents the exact toxic behavior you’re condemning other people in this thread for? I’m a fellow Mercy main, but I don’t like how you’re accusing me (and others) in this thread or representing our community. I think aggressive & passive aggressive threads like this is a great contributing factor to the negative stigma the mercy community is receiving on the forums… (I just read another fellow mercy’s thread about unjust hate received on the forums…but I think part of the reason for the hate – even though hate against a group is never acceptable – is based on posts like this.)
Also, you even admit this extremely heavy handed accusation is based on speculation. I don’t think you should make pretty heavy accusations (I’m just one of the trolls on this thread using another account) based on speculation. That doesn’t keep the conversation classy or on topic.
Discouraging. sigh.
What? I don’t have a conclusion either way. Look at my last response, I still said it was up in the air because the commenters in this thread could be biased – like you said – but I’m also weighing that against your comments and actions. A post like this, insinuating I have malicious intentions and just want to agree with trolls, is baseless considering I’ve left every reply open-ended or a question, giving you a chance to explain what I’m noticing and correcting me if it’s wrong. But this reply is a very heavy handed, borderline toxic response to openended questions which isn’t really helping your cause.
That’s some pretty paranoid thinking. Are you saying I’m one of the other users in this thread using another account to perpetuate a toxic troll thing against you? Because I’ve never directly supported anyone elses comments, I’ve just presented them to you, noticed how your behavior does line up with some of the other comments, and then asked you about it to give you a chance to explain. I think you’re being a bit paranoid and kind of assuming what my intentions are without actually looking at what I’m saying in my replies. I’ve repeatedly asked you the same type of question, “if x is saying you do this, and I see you do this (even in this thread), can you explain how x person is wrong/what you really mean?” ex. I asked you about blush emojis since numerous others have also asked about it and users who are more familiar with you say that it is “absolutely used as a passive aggressive” method/thing (I can’t think of the right word).
See, the “dreadfully sorry,” is another example of what seems ungenuine about you as a poster and kind of places a shadow on your original post. I’ve never taken issue with how you type, but just asked you as a whole, with a tone that could be taken as either overly positive or extremely passive aggressive, which one it could be? A perfect example of this is you saying, “I’m dreadfully sorry…but.” Whenever someone says “sorry, but” that’s just another way of saying they’re not sorry. You’re either sorry or you’re not. “But” is a way of negating what you said before. Ex. “I’m sorry that I poured water on your head to wake you up, but you deserved it.” See how the “but” negated the entire apology?
Who is the friend you’re referring to? Is this another accusation of me posting on another account or your accusation that I’m defending toxic trolls in this post? I’m doing neither. I have asked open-ended questions.
I agree I could have looked at more than the 10 most recent posts of the people you accused of being repeatedly toxic to you, but even with that limited base of research, your own suggestion kind of backfired because the “toxic” users didn’t really have toxic comments, while the comments I’ve asked you about all maintain the same possibly passive aggressive tone/possibly extremely positive tone. I have not yet reached a conclusion, but this post swings heavy in one direction, especially with baseless accusations of me being another poster in this thread using a different account to perpetuate angry toxicity towards you (when all I’ve done is ask questions and thank you for welcoming me to the forums).
Again, have never reached a conclusion (still haven’t, although I’m pretty close after reading this post), but I still don’t have enough information to determine if you’re a troll/just overly positive person.
Who? Are you baselessly throwing me into a group of “toxic harassers”/another user on this thread on an alternate account? I don’t think any of the “toxic users” in this thread have the same style/tone of talking…everyone’s distinct. So not sure what this is.
Again, no I didn’t. In fact, I said the exact opposite:
I blatantly stated I think Mercy could do with some tweaks to her kit. ^^
Please keep it classy and stop
Thank you.