Blizzard, this is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE

Or they are removing post that lead to false information. Some people will read these post and really think Blizzard servers are nothing more than a desktop PC running inside some dusty storage closet.

I would bet that 99% of the time it’s not Blizzard’s servers disconnecting people. It’s most likely something in-between that Blizzard has no control over.

It wasn’t blizz servers my dude, blizzard servers go down? everybody is kicked. Your internet flopped. Bring this hatred to your ISP.


Same thing just happened to me

As others mentioned, unless everybody got kicked, it’s likely some failure with an ISP or an internet exchange point somewhere. There’s a reason companies pay through the nose for connections with an uptime guarantee, and even then things can go wrong without any specific party to blame.

People need to accept that these systems will never be perfect, and that Blizzard can only do so much without further compromising the integrity of the SR system.

Sometimes you lose SR and it’s nobody’s fault. It sucks, but the best thing to do is shrug it off, take a break if needed, and just continue playing the game for its intended purpose: having fun (yes, even in competitive).

unfortunately, the tech doesnt support on why people have left matches in general. They have the basics from it from wow, because “WoW Error”. But the tech isn’t there. Therefore, they wont compensate, but they should focus on this rather than the new social features.

Refund of what? SR isn’t a score, it’s a rating. It shows your skill in the game. Unless you got worse, you didn’t lose anything.

As if Blizz even gives a crap about how we feel?

But OWL is doing well lmao

‘Funny’ how posts like this bring out the orifice-seeking sycophants with clueless ‘explanations’ of how things work.

A server will indeed lose individual connections for myriad reasons. Its own reasons as it were. It does NOT have to drop all connections for it to indicate the server or server farm has problems. Virtual machine servers have A LOT of problems with high I/O (input / output) and the network guys always seem to ignore this. :thinking:

Ever think it was your internet provider? It may not have just been you but I wager you and the others are just a small trickle in the bucket of players, not to mention even if it WAS on their end (which I doubt) their system can not tell who dropped due to internet vs just flat out leavers.

Make a ticket. But if you cannot prove that it wasn’t caused from your end, you won’t be getting your sr and endorsements back.

No this issue is happening since months/years already with not being able to connect to the server

I have complete faith that they will compensate you for the full monetary value of 50SR.

This is the sad truth. They could stop supporting this game today and have still made so much money that no one would care.

This whole “we’re really sorry you lost SR due to our servers but we can’t do sh*t” is just BS. I promise you all. If we all took a break until they fixed this it would take a week max. Then they would be able to refund SR all of a sudden. This is the truth.

Sadly they justify the measure as being “unable to tell if it was accidental or on purpose”, I have seen some “convenient” disconnections since I play competitive, were you by any chance on a winning streak?