Blizzard response to Seagull?

Source that OW is a MOBA?

From what I’ve heard Blizzard have said that OW is a mix between fps and MOBA.

Right now it’s more like 70-80% MOBA.

That’s why this video is so amazing. He talks almost exclusively about things that the average (solo queue) player has to deal with.

Balance issues, teamplay and the toxicity or lack of enjoyment that ensues due to core game mechanics.

That’s a mix.

No, it’s primarily MOBA. If they want to mix fps with MOBA they need to make the game primarily fps. Otherwise there will be massive balance issues. Which we are witnessing right now.

I thought you had watched Seagull’s video?

ULTS are strong in MoBa , hence, even if OW were 95% FPS 5% MOBA - you would still need strong ults because that is a FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPAL in MOBA type games

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Let’s take this slow:

Claim: “OW is a mix between FPS and MOBA”.
Counter claim: “It’s not a mix, it’s like 80% MOBA”.

My point: “80% IS A MIX. DUH!”

Counter claim “It’s not a mix, it’s like 80% MOBA”

Me: “Moira emote”.

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Their response was to delete the heroes he whined about. At least the popular streamers are happy, am I right guys?

If it were planned all along, why wait 50 hours until stating that there will be additional nerf to characters specifically addressed by said streamer in the PTR?
Why not blatantly state that in the First PTR notes?

If it’s supposed to be like this then OW will be a DEEEEEAD game in one year.

If you look at Seagulls video you’ll quickly notice in the comments that 9/10 players agree with his points.

And this is bad news if your company name is called Blizzard…

I honestly think Blizzard is in panic mode atm. The changes to Brigitte kinda shows that.

Unfortunately for Blizzard it’s not even nearly enough since the problem with OW is the core gameplay.

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Well if the game goes away I will be very sad. If it changes from what it is I will be very sad.
I rather takes my chances that the core audience will stay. It is obvious though that a lot of players jumped on OW thinking it was Team Fortress with butts.

I want OW to have moba features, but a lot less. I bought OW because I thought it would be similar to TF2 except for a few things here and there. Such as abilities and ultimates.

And so did most players obviously.

The problem is that there are too many abilities. One ability per hero +Ult would’ve been a lot better. Blizzard’s intention with OW was good but they went too far with the moba part.

They should’ve copied TF2 a lot more.

Your comments talking about how that guy didn’t watch the trailer or “a lot of players jumped on OW thinking it was Team Fortress with butts” make you sound completely out of touch. Also arguing over petty garbage like what % of the game is a FPS vs MOBA is a moot point.

The core of this game has changed drastically since beta and not for the better. At this point it has so many problems that it goes far beyond a couple flawed mechanics and leans more towards full blown dumpster fire.

Glad you’re enjoying it. Quite a few others aren’t.

Seagull is bias, all he wants is dive to be meta again. I’m not saying Brigitte did or didn’t need nerfs, but they way she is now on the PTR, were going to be forced back into a dive meta.

Balancing the game around pros is good for the game but only when they aren’t trying to make their favorite heroes dominant, this is what’s happening right now.

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Why? she can still spam armor which is the real counter to dive.

Yes, because Seagull is known for his love of Tracer. :roll_eyes:

LMFAO at that quote (not you). No one in TF2 (I used to play competitive TF2) thought OW was “TF2 with butts.” Everyone thought it was a cop-out half MOBA/half FPS game.

20 Characters

Who Brigitte does not counter, so…

He also levied his criticism of ults being too powerful at Genji.

Did you really just say that? We both know that’s not true😂

Why else do you think Genji is one of the most played DPS right now? Brig does very little against Nanoblade, and a Genji that plays super safe until he gets to press Q is barely affected by Brig at all while still being able to win games based off their contribution.