Blizzard... Please Prioritize Quality Matches

I am gold dps/tank and plat support. Almost every hour of every day that I try to play this game, wait times for all 3 roles are 2 minutes or less. I know the majority of the player base is at my skill level, but we don’t need near instant queues. I can’t speak for everyone, but I am sure that most of us would love to quality matchmaking over getting into a match instantly, then seeing 1 side or the other just get completely rolled. I’m fully aware there are a ton of variables to overwatch that could lead to this outcome, but it happens SO much with current matchmaking, that Blizzard has got to be able to do better.



Please Blizzard, we don’t mind waiting longer to get more balanced games.

We beg you. Stop these crappy turbo queues with zero MM.

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Match quality is always a gamble.
Queue times should never be gambled with.

You can min the wait time more reliably than you can max the quality.
Hence why more people will choose min wait over max quality.

You can ofc balance between the two, which the MM tries to do. It’ll have you wait a bit and see if it can rig your match for closeness (still rigged so still faking the experience so you feel good about yourself). Then it relaxes and goes greedy to not keep you waiting too long.

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I respect your preference but personally I do prefer to get into a game instantly rather than to have to wait for a fake “fair” match …


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Yes, great idea! Lets give all the higher ranks 20 minute queuestimes.