Blizzard needs to fix competitive if they want to keep players

So this is me ranting about recent games that I had, you don’t need to comment on this or anything, but I need to vent my anger before I punch 52 holes in my wall. I know that I’m in low gold, and I don’t have any say in competitive because I don’t stream and am not going to waste my life to become a pro, but as the average consumer, blizzard needs to fix competitive before EVERYONE leaves this game.

Overwatch is a game based on teamwork, building teams to defeat the opponent. If this is true, then why are there characters that destroy a game when played. Characters like torb, sym, and bastion. They can single handily destroy a game. And if these characters are in the game, then why are people not being punished for clearly throwing as them. In the games that got me in this position, we had an attack torb on volskaya. He had only 30mins on torb, and played mostly moria, a character that we needed. He did not state why he was throwing, but he threw. This caused the rest of the team to throw, leaving me try and carry with throwers. We obliviously lost the game. In the next game, that I’ll admit I got more angry then I should have, we had a leaver that disconnected due to connection problems, presumably.

This is not the first time this has happened, as many of you have probably experienced this. The problem is that it is happening more and more. Blizzard needs to ban the toxic people causing this problem. They either need to fix the match making, or they need to get rid of throwers, one-trickers, and leavers. The people playing the game right now are either new to the game, playing the game after a long break, or people who enjoy the game when it is acting the way it is supposed too. In a game about teamwork, you cannot have throwers, one-trickers, or leavers if you want people to enjoy it.

As you can see, I have not given a solution, that is because I do not believe I am smart enough to propose one. You guys can look at this however you want too You can look at this as a toxic son of a gun making an angry post, or as a someone who genuinely enjoys the game and wants it to survive. This is a discussion, feel free to post ideas to solve this problem, but in the end, only the devs can change the game.


Have you considered that you and the other players on the team are part of the issue? Play an off meta hero for a week and tell me what you think of the community afterwards.

The problem that I have is not that there are off meta heros, that is always going to happen no matter how balanced all the character are. The problem that I have is with the people who play them to purposely destroy everyone else’s game. I did write this in a blind fury, so I will admit that I snapped at people who play off meta heros.

As long as they don’t enforce roles, there’s never going to be a guarantee that you can play the game how it’s designed to be played. Would be like LoL S1, where people get rolled over as long as they have no jungle.

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nagisasama, I see ur point but enforcing roles can actually screw the team more then it helps. When i was in silver, many games i had 5 or 6 stacked, our healers would leave forcing to play dps with out any healers. LFG was a good try but honestly it really doesnt do anything. Blizzard has to make some sort of filter for players like this. Also, blizzards reporting system is HORRIBLE, it doesnt matter what the person you reported did, Blizzard simply doesnt care. I like overwatch, its a really fun game, quickplay, arcade and custom games. But comp is hell in a server. Blizzard NEEDS a filtering system of some sort, and personally, I would make the punishments for reporting and leaving in a comp game higher. When you see that red signal telling you that someone has left your team your ready to just buy a torbjorn golden gun. If someone on blizzard reads this, I hope they take into account that temporarly, maybe remove comp, stop making heroes, and fix COMP, even though i have made a lot of progrese on my comp, I would rather restart, climbing from silver to gold is like hell, even if you have the skill of a diamond player. I know i might sound like Im toxic because im not a high rank, but honestly, blizzard should give comp a fresh start.

The Overwatch team has already expressed they’re not happy with the state of competitve.

Overwatch is not about teamwork until you get to around mid-diamond or masters. Beneath that it’s about hard carrying a one-trick hero

The problem is this:

You can’t fix stupid.

The majority player base can’t be bothered with learning simple things like swapping when countered or don’t endlessly poke the enemy team when you’re down a player. You know, the basic things that makes OW what it’s supposed to be; having good teamwork, positioning, and game sense are quite rare in any rank below diamond and those are the basic tenants that make OW a great game to watch and, when done properly, play.

To fix the comp ladder, you need people to actually care about playing properly. Sadly, the “my money, my game, I’ll play my way” mentality will never allow that to happen.