Blizzard kicked me in pickphase after forcing me to accept leaver queue status even tho i have never left a match..GG

While in pickphase talking on bnet comms I am prompted to select accepting leaver queue status… my net did not crash YouTube and twitch stayed alive w.o interruption but blizzard submitted me into toxic leaver queue punishments WHILE IN A 6 GROUP GAME?? As I’m trying to select my character a page comes up that I cannot avoid and the afk tuner begins forcing me to either get booted for afk or accept leaver queue for a game that I have never left?? So I decide to accept and get the game going so as to not abandon my allies but instead of letting me game blizzard kicks me? I eat 50 points automatically Bcus blizzard kicked me and now have suffered nearly 20 free win games due to being majorly a solo queue player who’s now being matched into actually toxic players??? For why?? I 100% feel like I’m being punished for openly bringing up the conversation of toxic players In solo every match on social media…