Blizzard just officially reinforced this for me

I mean there’s 2500+ questions so…

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Here’s a direct link to the post containing my question.

Only posting it because I can’t just paste the question here and leave out why the question was made. If you guys think I should have worded it differently, that’s fine. But honestly, I was just trying to be as blunt as possible. I don’t beat around the bush. But also, I personally don’t think I was being disrespectful or even toxic.

As stated previously, at the time the question was posted there wasn’t the same amount of responses. And other questions that were posted AFTER mine were answered.

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I can see why they wouldn’t answer it


I wouldn’t even read that.

Of course they didn’t answer it


Me too, we all know the answer, they can tell you the answer, and you definitely not gonna like that answer, then you just gonna flame even harder.

if yours is that first block of text the answer is they definitely DO listen to us:

How much do you listen to pros over casuals?

well there are about 200 pros and 50 million casuals… but we both know you’re not asking for that percentage breakdown =]

we listen to everyone’s feedback. it’s all important. when it comes to balance, we primarily balance the game around owl, gm/masters.

So your answer is: They do listen to you and your suggestions are heard, however the actual balanced decisions are more focused on “higher” level gameplay.

I highly suggest Wyomingmysts compilation. it makes it way easier to read:


I see nothing wrong with it.


They have no answer we’d like to hear. As usual they wouldn’t answer something that would make them look bad. I’m actually glad someone didn’t sugar coat to them.

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I asked immediately about Bastion abilities and didn’t get a response.

The /r/Overwatch subreddit just recently hit 3 million subscribers. The AMA on there today was a way to celebrate that achievement and is only the seconds AMA on that platform in Overwatch’s history (the first was in March 2017 and only had Jeff Kaplan participating) The development team does monitor and respond to threads on the forums, r/Overwatch, r/CompetitiveOverwatch, and r/OWconsole. They have responded to the forums the most.


What an indirect way to say “I don’t wanna tell you.”

Ironic, you say that they don’t want to answer to something that’ll make them look bad, yet here you are, refusing to answer us…

Then it’s really odd that we have to get information on future gameplay changes from Discord screenshots.


I was reluctant to post the link to my question on the subreddit thread because I didn’t want anybody to feel I was fishing for likes or something. Initially when I made this post here on the forums I did not think it was imperative to share the exact question because the whole reason I made this post was to get some kind of better idea as to why my question was seemingly ignored, intentionally or not. I didn’t think the specific question was needed here.

And, I have since posted a link to it above.

Gonna be honest and say that if you’re at all familiar with AMAs you shouldn’t have expected an answer to such a long comment in the first place. AMA answers aren’t just for the person asking the question, it’s for the entire community to read and, frankly speaking, not everyone wants to read an essay. Especially not when most of it is a personal rant.

It’s better to communicate your question in a way that is brief and easily digestible.

As to the actual content of your question you basically said “why do you purposely ignore us and not consider our feedback?” with more words and, my friend, this is really just not the way.

Ignoring whether I actually agree with you or not, if your goal was to get any kind of response your question would have been better asked with this language:

“Does the dev team have any struggles when it comes to addressing community concerns? Does the team have any plans for better gathering community feedback or addressing community concerns in the future?”

Or something similar.


The entitlement of you to expect your specific question to be answered in a sea of questions. Most probably not answered. That entitlement right there is what helps give these forums a bad reputation


This dude submitted a 577 word essay and he doesn’t know why his question was ignored. Lol.

I’m not exaggerating. That’s the exact word count. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Ok well the thing is there is no answer. You’re not satisfied with how they listen? Ok. Well guess they do though.

What are you expecting? That question is very accosting. What are they gonna say? “A lot of community ideas, we think, are stupid so we ignore them” ? They’re not going to answer that.

They’re giving their answer by not taking into account every balance change by the community. They think a lot of the ideas are bad. Simple. It’s not a big deal or controversial. I mean I’ll use Sym as an example…

Sym mains constantly complain about how blizzard doesn’t care about her and that they don’t listen yet she is the only character to receive THREE REWORKS. One was an objective buff and the other was a near complete redesign. They do listen and they are trying but their philosophy just doesn’t agree with the fans all the time.

“We, the community, have a choice to play this game or not. Many people have left because of decisions that are made by your team, or lack thereof. Considering this, why does your team continue to blatantly ignore the community and our thoughts, ideas, and concerns? I am trying to be as respectful as possible here, but sometimes things just need to be asked bluntly. This issue mystifies me, and I am constantly left bewildered by the apparent lack of acknowledgement and inclusion of the community. Other games do it. Why can’t Overwatch?” - You

"well there are about 200 pros and 50 million casuals… but we both know you’re not asking for that percentage breakdown =]

we listen to everyone’s feedback. it’s all important. when it comes to balance, we primarily balance the game around owl, gm/masters." - Jeff Kaplan

Your question got answered on someone else’s question


said this… they ignored it. They don’t want an answer, they want a “gotcha”.

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people like short questions actually esp in ama, thye would rather answer 10 short qs than spend 10 mins on 1 huge one.

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