Blizzard is using role que beta mmr for season 18 placements

love him or hate him… :thinking:
rovi spittin straight fax here… :flushed:


? Its kinda weird to tell us now but still. I think everything will work out.

Don’t think I like the sound of that. Definitely didn’t deserve my tank rank, so I’m probably going to let a lot of people down until I naturally drop.

that dude said majority of the player base trolled around. not any of us posters. and if majority of the player base trolled then wouldnt the ranking system be rlly bad and unfair to use the roleq stats for next season?

Ok I guess I misinterpreted it but if its really bad im sure they will do something about it.

This is actually good, I’ve had several mercy/brig/moira mains placing masters on dps and throwing games. At least next season they’ll start in diamond and derank to plat where they belong on dps.
You are telling me you want them to start again at their support MMR for dps/tank?

On my main i still havent done placements on tank or support.

Ima wait until i get near career high dPS SR on the next real season and then do them so they start at high sr

bruh u speakin big fax doe no cap

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I have never capped in my entire life man and especially not now! We speak da truth brudda