Blizzard is using role que beta mmr for season 18 placements

Despite role que beta being seen as an absolute meme due to the amount of boosted players going up 300+ sr in 1 week or people queuing offrole and placing unreasonably high, blizzard have decided to keep statistics from role que. meaning season 18 for the first 3 weeks will include matches as unbalanced as the ones on role que. i personally will be losing some games on support and dps for placing 4300 on both despite barely being gm level with those. Thanks blizzard for the opportunity for me to int some games!


really spitting facts…


This has been stated where?

Or is this just an unfounded claim?


I hope that they don’t use any of this data and just absolutely wipe everything. Everyone starts from the same point and let it work itself out.

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Lemme try to find the link, it was stated today


Thank you Koa3k for the link

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wow I an totally happy that this is happening :slight_smile: (im not)


Imagine the Dev team’s surprise when they realize it’s still messed up because the majority of players just trolled around in the beta because they called it a beta.


not gonna lie this guy kind of sounds like a bot

this is actually so stupid


Bro Shutup man this affects everyone comp games. And LOL your name has baby in it

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where… is… blizzard… headquarters… WHEN I FIND THE DEV TEAM… this change will not go through :)))))))))))))))))))) !! haahhaha FXCK BLIZZARD


this is stupid REALLY STUPID

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top 500 soldier specialist here. I do not agree with these changes at ALL, I’m tired of these bimbo season16 low master first time in GM idiots trolling my f*cking games I really hope blizzard reconsiders

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Yocmon man they specifically said it wouldn’t affect season 18. Now we are gonna have so many boosted dudes messing up the entire season. Not to mention no decay so so many people will camp their role q beta sr forever!

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So you guys trolled in competitive games and are now mad that those competitive games matter. Interesting. Not anywhere did they state that stats wont matter or anything like that. You all just assumed something, were wrong, and are now mad. Hmmm


you can find him here Role Queue Update - #35 by Raindrac-1265

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hey man can you read english? did any of us say we trolled? or did we say we didnt like how many people were boosted and our offrole sr are unusually high?

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Thanks for the link!

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