Blizzard is getting sued for discrimination

It’s not really bigoted. I’m not calling all white men toxic, i’m just saying the gaming community is made up overwhelmingly of toxic people, and the majority of gamers happen to be white men. So it’s not really a mystery when this sort of thing happens.

Corporate culture in many companies in many parts of the United States is already hostile towards women, and combine this with toxic gaming culture and you have cases like Riot and Blizzard.


it’ll be interesting to watch the MVPs try to defend this!

They can’t, I mean how could they?

Not all, only “most” :upside_down_face: It’s a pretty big negative generaliztion and it implies being white, male or cis is bad and extra bad if multiple.


Well this is going to be a glorious trainwreck

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I think the Media and Government has convinced a lot of people that a problem “this big” :pinching_hand: is actually “THIS BIG” :world_map: :earth_asia:

Oh wow, I didn’t realize Blizzard and Activision were the same company Activision Blizzard. Suddenly a whole lotta things make sense. No wonder they treat their players like trash… Same company that produces COD. Yeah, having a Forum, or Report buttons, or Support, or a Discord community… It’s all 100% for show. They don’t give the slightest f about anything or anyone but their bank accounts. It’s literally useless to ask them to do the “right” thing under any circumstance of any kind. The only thing that ever influences their decisions is money… and that isn’t gonna ever change. This forum might as well be deleted. Great you posted this article though, because it might at least bring some attention to their lack of conscious, which could compound with other similar posts eventually hoping for a shot at affecting cash flow, which, if stars align perfectly, allows a small possibility of at least a small change of some kind like one person getting fired. Sounds like I’m being sarcastic, but seriously, glad to see this post.


Nah, if he left because of this he would have no reason to not talk about it.

This leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. I think I’m just going to uninstall the launcher.


If there was a lawsuit in the making then it probably wouldn’t be wise to talk about it. Jeff’s farewells also read as “do better” directed at Blizzard. He seemed like a really cool guy so I hope nothing bad comes up.


Just because you leave a work space, doesn’t mean you can legally speak out about ongoing investigations and topics related to it.

It’s always wise to keep your silence until you’re able to be public about it. You can be sued otherwise.


Lawsuits cost a company like this millions of dollars, even if they win the case.

And if they lose?

For a company involved in this sort of high-profile government suit, the fallout is going to be considerable.

The majority shareholders and board of directors are likely to absolutely clean house and dismiss anyone even remotely related to these allegations. From the president right on down. It is no longer a sound financial strategy to allow your publicly-traded company to be managed by people who allowed an environment like this to fester.

It’s bad, but I’m optimistic, in a strange way.


I remember Geguri of the shangai dragons in the very first OWL, but I think there was a lot of demoralization with the fact that the team had never won a match. if I remember correctly, rumors were circulating about woman’s discomforts on gaming houses, or where the OwL teams practice living together.

in any case, between a community that releases sexist comments in game and the absence of women in the OwL teams I presume that it discourages girls from trying the path to pro.

indeed, if there is any girl who has tried it, it would be interesting to know her experience of her, how much she has managed to go on and if she has perceived discrimination.


You know what the saddest part of it all is? I’m not even surprised. These incidents are way more common than most people think. It’s just that nowadays people have finally started reporting them.

In any case, what’s probably going to happen is the higher-ups will claim they had no idea, fire a few people, maybe pay some damages to those women (if all goes well), and everyone will eventually move on and Blizzard will still be a super succesful company that makes a crap ton of money.


heres an updated one


Welcome to statistics and reality honey. :roll_eyes:

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I am disgusted as well, but I sadly can believe it :frowning:

I’ve seen a lot in the game industry. I’d even heard about “The crosby suite” some years ago. I thought they had fired the guy, but it seems they didn’t do a damn thing.

People REALLY want to work in the industry, and the industry abuses that.


You know, now that I think about it, some ladies left pretty recently. Like Anh Dang and Molly. I mean sure, in life it’s always best to grab opportunities if they’re there, like switching workplaces. Because why stick to one thing forever? At the same time, it makes you wonder…


The thing that also annoys me about this is that we have SOLID PROOF that they aren’t taking game maintenance seriously based on these documents. Pertaining to OW now we know why the game is so neglected…



Not surprising, they’re a garbage company and they have a history of exploitation and doing the literal bare minimum.

I hope they go down.