Blizzard has a lot of Demonic Characters

The point most people miss about Mei is she truly doesn’t like having to hurt you, but if you weren’t up to no good she wouldn’t have to. She really is sorry for having to execute you.

OKAY!!! You got me to laugh at this one :smiley_cat:
Poor Mei :joy:

When I read the title I thought OP talks about Activision-Blizzard.

we lost her to insanity a long time ago

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Oof. Just Activision.

Technically… she already has a vampire skin in Jiangshi. But–I agree and if she ever gets a more Western devil skin I’d probably use it all the time, too.

You mean her default skin?

You’re all wrong. Mei is Meingelic. The real demon is dragon Symmetra.

Now I want an actual evil mei skin, like black and red. Make it happen Blizz

Well, until then we have Toronto Defiant!

Wow this joke is so funny… ugh

Oh it’s funny for sure. What’s not funny is you kicking such an old thread.


I can do whatever the frick I want. get lost.

Pretty sure necroing post is against the forums rules.


The real demon is the one who necro’d

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Why do I love this so much

Why did you necro this post?

Did Blizzard hire a necromancer for the forums?

Threads never die!

*Starts a chant *
Demonic Mei!
Demonic Mei!
Demonic Mei!
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