Blizzard failed miserably in making a matchmaker

I mean people who have an actual 50% win rate will come in here and complain the matchmaker is busted so lol

Because your goal is to not have 50% winrate. You are literally walking on treadmill, if you have such winrate.

Even while goal of having 50% winrate is noble(so players do not get bored with constant wins/losses), reality is that it hides progression from player - they do not “feel” any progress, even if they actually improved.

It’s like working a job, and getting more work to do, if you are more productive, than everyone else. You expected a raise or promotion, but instead you just got more work to do.

It doesn’t account for roles, so it expects you to carry team as support. Or tank.

While I wanna jump on this train, when game was released and first rankeds were around the mm was kinda fair…

it’s an issue of the last years.

But lower player numbers aren’t only cause of this issue. Another is how strict heroes became.

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