Blizzard cant even get a twitch drop right!

thats what im saying its not like they completely abandon an old game for 2 years and had plenty of time to get this new one ready to handle the load it’s a small indie company with limited time and ppl need to realize that.

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1.4 million people at the same time will delay drops from both Twitch servers and Blizzard.

How do you prepare for that? Like what?

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why you asking me they are the ones getting paid to figure that out.

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I’m not asking you. I’m making a point. The amount of people is they key factor here. Twitch has its own way of delivering the information to Blizzard servers, and Blizzard is going to let in people one group at a time to not overload the access.

It’s a beta.

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I claimed the beta code, but still can’t access the game. WTF

Ya dont feel bad, I claimed mine almost 4 hours ago with 6 other friends, Im the only one not playing OW2. Ive tried all the “quick fixes” but nothing has worked. I want to stomp battle nets face in… just sayin.

Not saying it’s Twitch is the issue, merely Blizzard. Twitch drops constantly failed to work while they used it, always giving you vague “tips” on how it’s all your fault and you had to reload, remove, reinstall and other things to make it work.

But it also failed to count a lot of the time when you watched it straight from their website or on Youtube. Across all platforms it failed to work a large portion of the time.

Yesterday OW1 servers. They are not the same as the OW2 beta servers those are made for limited amount of people

While i don’t know specifically how game servers work, I assume they need different servers for OW2 and OW1 so they wouldn’t have the same capacity of players

Wow, you really don’t know anything about game development