Blizz seems to avoid any post discussing game balance

Because if they reply to one balance thread, people will feel entitled that they reply to all threads.

It isn’t like they understand balance in the first place so what does it matter? Zero clue how their characters interact with one another in the game or what the changes they make are going to do to the game.

Literally everyone who played and understood Junkrat knew what would happen when those buffs went live. Everyone who knew how the game works took 5 minutes to look at that Mercy rework and instantly knew it was insanely powerful. Everyone with a brain immediately knew Brig was terrible for the game. None of them work for Blizzard.

Just look at the history of McCree and Roadhog being “balanced” and the seemingly never ending torture they have put us through with Mercy and Brig METAs. They don’t know what they are doing; it is proven through their actions over time. Total Mayhem is the most balanced game mode in Overwatch right now.

More like they got tired of getting quoted out of context.

Probably because the forum is unable to be dealt with.
If you’ve seen RagTagg’s video you know what I mean.

I obviously understand they don’t want to be mocked and i always felt bad for Geoff but let’s not pretend like feet weren’t stuck in mouths.

There were some missteps here and there.

But for instance, when the devs say essentially “Mercy pickrate looks fine” when it really did look fine.

Then you got the “OMG why did you nerf afterwards of you said it was fine”, even though the announcement of the nerf was 2 and a half months later when Mercy pickrate had been climbing really high since then.

Fair enough.

But i see that more as twisting words to fit a narrative tbh. It was portrayed like the quote was just ‘Mercy is fine’, iirc. It’s done quite often here and not only with dev quotes.

Well, I do miss more frequent dev feedback. Even if they don’t give out specifics, but give us a more sense of the general direction they are going with stuff.

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Devs: Respond to a thread about Reaper
These hell forums:

I get why they don’t come here all too often

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No, balance can be discussed here. It’s just the majority of people only respond to nerf doom now shish threads. Or why’d you nerf hero X. Another popular one is " i don’t feel represented, add hero of my color plz hurr durr". Though some of those produce meaningful discussion with smart people.

Try making a topic with clips of awesome moments in game. No one cares. Because there is nothing to complain and no one or no system to blame.

You think they will take balance considerations from this forum? Full of Golds and Plats?

Come now.

Cool thing is if they or you actually read those threads, you’d see they’re made by different people. I won’t deny that there are several Mercy mains who consistently make posts, but you can’t sit there and say they’re the only ones.

I was using hyperbole, obviously. But my main point was that, whether it’s the same people or not, those threads are in fact redundant, and, we know for a fact that they are reading or at least hearing about them because they do respond to them on different avenues – interviews and conventions, for example.

Now I know some people might think “why do that when you can respond here”… well, I think expecting them to do that all the time would be expecting they don’t do much except responding to forum posts because it would literally take them all day with how many threads are created in a day, or even an hour.

Whatever response we actually get will be in the PTR in the end. If you don’t see the changes on Mercy, that doesn’t mean they haven’t read anything; it means they don’t think the changes you ask for are warranted.

A lot of the balance topics are sensitive topics here.

If jeff were to say anything in a Mercy post, it would just blow up with people agreeing and disagreeing, and people being emotionally damaged or whatever.


but it just so happens this forum is physically not capable of discussing this without bringing in Mercy every 5 minutes, nor without preaching about DPSWatch while conveniently ignoring things like GOATs.