Blizz just added an Avoid Teammate button

I feel for you Perebor, but being able to avoid some people is better than not being able to avoid any and having to log off because you aren’t in a 6 stack.

I think everyone would have to admit it is a hard problem to solve, do one tricks have a right to play who they chose potentially at the cost of their team-mates? Just how bad can queue times get? Can people just game the system as per the example I gave above?

It may even be that a 2 player limit is the ideal solution to the avoid player problem. It is a hard feature to balance.

I’m happy that at least now I feel I have a little more control over my Overwatch experience, and I think many others likely feel the same. I think one of the contributing factors to toxicity is a feeling of hopelessness and I believe that avoid player in one form or another at least gives us a tool to address that somewhat.

There can be some pretty toxic cowards online but if you honestly feel that there are too many people you wish to avoid, try work a little more on befriending the type of people you do want to play with. Even a 3 or 4 stack of people you get on with can make all the difference and if someone else is being a fool, you can all stand up for each other and in some cases just carry through that person’s incompetence.

Stick with it, things are getting better and having avoid player back is better than the alternative.

I think this is a great step forward, but I would like to be able to avoid for long term and for more than 2 people. This will definitely be a good fix to the top 1% in gm who don’t have as many people to queue with, but for someone like me in plat, I could just as easily run into someone just like the person I just avoided in the next game.

And so these players should be punished because people have preconceived biases about the characters they play?

Dude the one trick debate is over, theyre justified in playing the character they want, they bought the game, it’s borderline consumer fraud to ban and punish players for playing one hero.

You get to avoid 2 of them every 7 days.


If only we hadn’t abused that feature.

I’ll bite, it appears you contradict yourself?

On one hand you suggest:

So one tricks are ok?


Are you suggesting that its borderline fraud what happens to the one trick’s 5 team-mates in a team game being punished for the one tricks sub-optimal choice (when they are hard countered) or worse not being able to choose their one trick because someone else selected it first?

You will note in my OP I asked a question, I didn’t pick a side, it was more so some general observations as to how people’s perceptions may differ and some of the issues which need to be considered for avoid player (people’s perceptions differ). How about we leave it at that?

What’s fraud is for them to say “You can’t be banned for playing a certain hero” and then banning players for doing just that. They’re lying to consumers, that’s consumer fraud. I’m not the first person to make this observation.

What if it ain’t a group? Sometimes I’ve had 4 or even 5 (basically full team) of toxic people and all of them had solo que’d. Luckily those games are not that common but games with at least 2 toxic persons seems to happen quite often. So what you gonna do when you have one game with 2 toxic persons, you put them in avoid list, then you have a game with also 2 toxic persons?

I feel a simple solution to that scenario would be to have matchmaker de-prioritise the chance of being matched with someone you’ve avoided instead of guarantee it. If after a few minutes matchmaker still can’t create a match then include the avoided players.

Two slots might be fine for the higher ranks where there’s far less players, but for platinum or even gold I believe it could be quite ineffective and some players will still end up reporting regardless.

You are wrong, there are too many players to just endup with an all star team of “awesome people” and if that why arent you allowed to play with “awesome people” thats what makes a good game experience, if they are on your Rank there is gonna be a limit of what they can handle, they are on that Rank for a reason or you are implying that we should be stuck on a Rank beacuse we have to deal with the players that just think about them and not work as a team?

2 slots is nothing compared to the player pool. only on really high ranks is gonna make a difference. Stating that is better than nothing, when its almost the same as nothing its just more frustrating.
The 2 slots wont make you think, its just a frustrating thing to deal with. there arent just 1 “underpreforming genjis” and 1 “toxic troll”.
You should have at least 2 slots for each
2 for Abusive Chat (toxic players)
2 for Feeders / trolls
2 for AFK / non Participants
2 for Cheaters/hackers
2 for inapropiate name tags / or just not comunicative
2 for one trick ponys you dont want to play with

10 - 12 slots, now that can get you thinking on what to do, not just 2 slots.