Blizz: Is Symmetra a running gag in your company?

i think symmetra is fine, from what i see against me when i play, and when i play her. Shes easy to destroy if you have a team backing you up, and if you know how to play her properly

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The only way TP will stop being a bad ability is if they make it into a graviton that forces teammates through it. You can increase the interact radius and make it indestructible, but unless you have teammates that are willing to play the strategy that sym wants (how are a bunch of randoms in comp that hate having a sym gonna do that) itā€™s just something you use for unexpected turret bombs that work maybe 30% of the time.

Granted, 90% of the time the TP is for myself, but those buffs would still help on that front.


bad idea or not doesnt matter when she has specific times she will work.

and bastion sat in worse shape for longer than sym.

she is.

check QP out.
w/o teamwork/planning you will a sym wreck the enemy.

99% sure this was removed when syms got team killed for spawning it at a maps edge. (trolls)

casue its a team game. everyone doesnt wanan play same way. talk it out and decide which will work.

thenā€¦i know this might not be what you wanan hearā€¦dont play her with that team?

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Well then why canā€™t she have a fast solo teleport, turn herself into hard light and TP like that. The reason devs are keeping TP this weak is because as they said, they do not want choke points to be completely pointless, which is a valid concern if you have teammates wiling to coordinate but this isnā€™t the situation in most of comp, certainly not in my games where rein is willing to stand in the small paris chokepoint and eat junkrat nades than use my safe tp to get to point.

Thats in your games then ā€¦ i already had games with/against symmetra where tp won teamfights and captured points. Its not a bad ability per se only because you are unlucky with teammates. Sometimes i play her and people dont use tp or its not working outā€¦ then i change the way i play or switch ā€¦

On eichenwalde and hanamura many people already know the strat and play with the tpā€¦ You cannot change people so either keep playing like that or switch.

Reworks cost a lot of money and i doubt they will rework her once again ā€¦ when they could spend the time for making new heroes.

I play symm and i dont see much hate anymore ā€¦ only when its not working people demand on a switch ā€¦ which is legit since comp is most of all about winning and climbing the ranks. You should double check your attitude before you go ranked in soloq

And thatā€™s the problem with. Does anybody have to step on sombra and press f to activate hack? Does mei have to change when her teammates donā€™t take advantage. No because their utilities apply debuffs that are universal and can be used everywhere like zens discord. Symmetras is not

But in the scenario you gave, your boss asked you for a rework.

The reality of the Symmetra situation is that it isnā€™t their boss asking for a rework, itā€™s a bunch of dweebs demanding a rework. Just not the same.

This is what most people might consider setting goalposts. And itā€™s the wrong people setting the wrong goalposts.

This is what people might consider comparing symmetra to characters she is competing with for the utility dps slot

Sym is fine, keep practising

I have the exact same point of view.

The only utility she had in previous versions were her Photon Barrier on ā€œeā€ that made up for her low HP (and could give her some survivability) and her two former ults, shield generator and Teleport (ult version).

Her current ult is easy to counter, especially if thereā€™s an enemy Sombra around. Her primary is unreliable, especially against very mobile targets (sheā€™s no longer a counter to Genji, even Moira is a better counter to him as a support).

To me, she needs a complete rework again. The 3.0 version is the worst to me, so far.

Pretty muchā€¦

Even the Night King could beat Sym.

Honestly I donā€™t know what stage of grief I am over Sym today, pretty done more rounds then anyone here has driven today.

whats funny in detail?

do you ever read threads about symmetra? or watch youtube videos about symmetra?

yeah, thats possible :confused: professionals used to tend to take benefit from critics and look for constructive parts (if not visible on first sight yet). but i can get this point as wellā€¦

yeah i know.
so whats your point actually?

a krikenemp how we know him. your kind of contributing to threads have high potential in this category as well dude. :smiley:

doesnt fit into this thread tbh, please make your own. her last patch didnt even fix all those buggy situations. on top, the rework we were promised was forgotten. there were changes, but some people dont just eat what they were fed and think critical about it. its okay, if they dislike sym 3.0 and prefer 1.0 or 2.0

one could say the same about hanzo. which actually intends, he (as well as symmetra) arent fine :wink: nevertheless: no, symm isnt fine, yet. at least not for me and very clearly not for many many others, too.

can we not focus on those ā€œBuff-spammersā€ or those who spam about buff-spammers ( :wink: ) but instead think about a realistic rework? if you implement a trade-off a rework isnt necessarily a buff. btw: a rework even can be a nerfā€¦ just sayingā€¦

i read a quote of jeff saying because of people playing their one tricks most of the time, not showing enough will to counter pick or pick niches if necessary, ow is going to lose niches more and more. a good example was torb :confused: its okay for me, iĀ“d just like to see not every support that isnt heal focused become a mediocre dps

:smiley: that would be awesome lol

if youĀ“d have a lower deployment time or longer duration, you could use it more effectively for yourself, too.

One of the higher ups must have a thing or something.

A more personal reason why this has continued so long.

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She definitely needs another to be an established hero for her role, and the game imo. Or just scrapped. Keeping her unfairly in a past version of the game is bad design

that you said sym is in a poor form rn

but she isnā€™t

sheā€™s balanced and very useful

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