Blizz: Is Symmetra a running gag in your company?

And that’s the problem with. Does anybody have to step on sombra and press f to activate hack? Does mei have to change when her teammates don’t take advantage. No because their utilities apply debuffs that are universal and can be used everywhere like zens discord. Symmetras is not

But in the scenario you gave, your boss asked you for a rework.

The reality of the Symmetra situation is that it isn’t their boss asking for a rework, it’s a bunch of dweebs demanding a rework. Just not the same.

This is what most people might consider setting goalposts. And it’s the wrong people setting the wrong goalposts.

This is what people might consider comparing symmetra to characters she is competing with for the utility dps slot

Sym is fine, keep practising

I have the exact same point of view.

The only utility she had in previous versions were her Photon Barrier on “e” that made up for her low HP (and could give her some survivability) and her two former ults, shield generator and Teleport (ult version).

Her current ult is easy to counter, especially if there’s an enemy Sombra around. Her primary is unreliable, especially against very mobile targets (she’s no longer a counter to Genji, even Moira is a better counter to him as a support).

To me, she needs a complete rework again. The 3.0 version is the worst to me, so far.

Pretty much…

Even the Night King could beat Sym.

Honestly I don’t know what stage of grief I am over Sym today, pretty done more rounds then anyone here has driven today.

whats funny in detail?

do you ever read threads about symmetra? or watch youtube videos about symmetra?

yeah, thats possible :confused: professionals used to tend to take benefit from critics and look for constructive parts (if not visible on first sight yet). but i can get this point as well…

yeah i know.
so whats your point actually?

a krikenemp how we know him. your kind of contributing to threads have high potential in this category as well dude. :smiley:

doesnt fit into this thread tbh, please make your own. her last patch didnt even fix all those buggy situations. on top, the rework we were promised was forgotten. there were changes, but some people dont just eat what they were fed and think critical about it. its okay, if they dislike sym 3.0 and prefer 1.0 or 2.0

one could say the same about hanzo. which actually intends, he (as well as symmetra) arent fine :wink: nevertheless: no, symm isnt fine, yet. at least not for me and very clearly not for many many others, too.

can we not focus on those “Buff-spammers” or those who spam about buff-spammers ( :wink: ) but instead think about a realistic rework? if you implement a trade-off a rework isnt necessarily a buff. btw: a rework even can be a nerf… just saying…

i read a quote of jeff saying because of people playing their one tricks most of the time, not showing enough will to counter pick or pick niches if necessary, ow is going to lose niches more and more. a good example was torb :confused: its okay for me, i´d just like to see not every support that isnt heal focused become a mediocre dps

:smiley: that would be awesome lol

if you´d have a lower deployment time or longer duration, you could use it more effectively for yourself, too.

One of the higher ups must have a thing or something.

A more personal reason why this has continued so long.

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She definitely needs another to be an established hero for her role, and the game imo. Or just scrapped. Keeping her unfairly in a past version of the game is bad design

that you said sym is in a poor form rn

but she isn’t

she’s balanced and very useful

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Because instead of fixing what’s wrong with her they just decide to rework her and see if that works(which it never does).

Her kit is too slow, just buff her TP and make it deploy quicker, and lower the cooldown on her Turrets. Her abilities are the only thing that need buffs rn.

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  • primary and secondary: unreliable and weak (range to short or symmetras hp to low)
  • teleport: unreliable and weak (still buggy, interaction radius to small, deployment to long, lasting to short)
  • turrets: weak (insufficient in number, to squishy, to slow moving)
  • survivability: weak (health to low for her fighting range)
  • dps: mediocre
  • utility: (actually) low
  • mobility: low

please let me know where she is balanced? does her pick rate suggest anything similar? well… i dont think that either this nor this list does speak PRO symmetra.

i dont say every aspect that i mentioned above needs a rework or buff. This surely would be totally broken. Instead ANYTHING should be adjusted to make her reliable and a better functioning dps OR support. and if you´d ask me: her TP should be reworked because it

  • is her most unique and characteristic part
  • would offer the most fun playing her if tp would work properly! (imo of course, but tbh i cant imagine that people would prefer another version of non-tank zarya if they can get a unique hero in point of playstyle and -mechanics)
  • symmetra shouldt become a great and interesting supporter again and not an inferior dps

they also said no more reworks.


Symmetra isn’t a limelight hero like others in the franchise. They only touch her up because it’s recommended by fan. However whatever goes on during tweak phases is on them twisting it into their own version which still sucks to current day.

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The more I read this conversation the more I realize the majority of the Sym players either understand her or just straight suck at her.

She’s fine. Maybe she does need buffs, maybe she even needs a nerf but that all really depends on your game style so all in all, get good.

congratulations for bs in this case… this attitude (if true) is a confession of failure!

i know the reason i just wait for another good game to pop up. let it be and i´m gone. cant wait for serious alternatives…

the more i read your comment, the more i realize you dont have to contribute anything that either wasnt already said or just have something constructive to say in general. please just be quite. noone needs your comments.