WOAH WOAH WOAH hey hold tf up…
You’re telling “me” that a toxic gaming environment is because of the entitled, childish, player base and not because blizzard created a great product for us to enjoy?!
Are you off your gosh damned rocker?!
WOAH WOAH WOAH hey hold tf up…
You’re telling “me” that a toxic gaming environment is because of the entitled, childish, player base and not because blizzard created a great product for us to enjoy?!
Are you off your gosh damned rocker?!
Are you sure it’s the match maker and not your inexperience or the inexperience of your teammates that lead to bad decision making that leads to bad plays which leads to lost team fights which leads to lost games? Or am I just completely out of touch with reality?
id say out of touch with reality, its not my fault i get a game full of brand new players and can exploit the weaknesses they present, its not my fault i have decent aim, its not my fault i spent hours learning, its not my fault i lost 5 straight placements and end up in a super low rank where i dont belong…its a team game. 6 people vs 6 people
(hopefully you can sense the sarcasm)
Not saying you are wrong in this case.
Making a hypothetical example here (i know it’s not this black and white, exaggerating things just to make my point more obvious):
Imagine that everyone in a team is doing everything wrong except for one person. This will result in a loss. Just because this person is unlucky this happens a couple of times and that person gets lower SR even though they may actually be a better fit for a higher SR. This “unlucky” person now has to win a couple of matches and gets a win streak after the loss streak.
The enemy teams in this persons win streak perceive this person as a smurf. You could blame this on the match maker since it’s what caused the loss streak to begin with (or perhaps the person was just performing poorly for other reasons at that time).
are you blaming my beer and weed consumption for my poor performance?
They don’t encourage it. They tell you to report people for throwing game and boosting accounts.
Just buying a new account and playing isn’t an offence (direct from Captain Jeff himself)