Blizz encourages smurfing ✓

People always say this but when I played there, I saw only few of them so i find that very hard to believe.

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There are a lot of victims flagged as smurfs or smurf-like despite being totally innocent. I don’t want to see innocent accounts punished so much as I want to see the entire system reworked.

It is entirely the system designer’s fault for user behaviour. You don’t ship a trash app and blame users for making it crash. You don’t tell those users making your app crash that they aren’t allowed to use it.

You own up and redevelop it against abuse.


I actualy counted them and on all 3 roles from low low/mid bronze to 2000 i saw only:

3x smurfs(enemy team) and 3x throwers(my team)

My temas had smurfs 2x, 2x thrower in enemy team

People just need to drop it and stop taking this “Competitive” mode seriously because in the past 3 years Blizzard have failed to balance their game and punish cheaters, throwers, smurfs, leavers and derankers appropriately.

They just keep changing this game in the wrong direction all the time, it’s headed down the drain just accept it.

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Bronze is like 1499. A gold Doomfist/Reader at 2100 +/- 200 can easily lose 700 points when they take up Tracer as a main. They weren’t throwing. They were just very committed to learning comp Tracer and found it more difficult.

Then when they land in bronze, they massage their egos by telling people they threw, when really they are garbage at Tracer. They get a hankerin to deal some damage so they pull out a Reaper for a round or two. ez

This is precisely why Blizzard wants smurfs. They encourage it because it means profit.


It would be funny if they lost profits to some kind of class action that exposes their rigging, wanton ladder negligence, forced anti-competition, but simultaneous esports branding and path2pro marketing hype.

Like which one is it? Clean gaming or no-reset hidden mmr-rigged alt-infestation?

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We asked million times lvl 100 for competitive and we dont have this. Dont lie.

So tired of avoiding lvl 25 accounts throeing games to smurf in bronce.


And I’m tired of hitting them on the way up, whenever I win 2-3 and the game flags me as trying to climb.

you are using the word anti-competition, im not sure you know what it means…

like for real dude? i get that in hamburger land you can sue for being alive, but the rest of the world lives in reality…how are they going to be sued for anti-competition in THEIR OWN IP??? no judge would even bother, no lawyer would be stupid enough to try the case.


Smurfing is largely caused by the algorithmic handicapping of competitive play. More info:

I hear this smurfing problem so much. Not sure if people actually smurf or it’s the poor match maker (probably both). Just as an example: Started my rank at about 2000, reached 1500 pretty quickly with loss streaks. No, i did not want to loose.

I rarely feel like smurfs are on my or the opposite team. Perhaps it’s just because I’ve accepted the matchmaker is doing a poor job.

Long queue times because the skill level is higher caliber… that doesn’t mean justification for making a smurf account. Just means more people need to climb. No ones going to climb because of smurfs.

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what he said, you don’t blame the customer for problems in your product you own up to the issues and try to address them till they are fixed especially the matchmaker it’s so weird… its the weirdest i’ve felt in any game and i don’t even mind losing it just feels super weird when you do because someone is either afk, purposefully feeding 1v6, or refusing to use their ults the entire match so 8+ min doesn’t use 1 ult… especially when I can get one it feels like every 2min there’s no way someone doesn’t know at this point to use their ultimate and that it doesn’t carry into next round (especially not a new account). <— those things get to you and make you play other games trust me i did…

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WOAH WOAH WOAH hey hold tf up…

You’re telling “me” that a toxic gaming environment is because of the entitled, childish, player base and not because blizzard created a great product for us to enjoy?!

Are you off your gosh damned rocker?!


Are you sure it’s the match maker and not your inexperience or the inexperience of your teammates that lead to bad decision making that leads to bad plays which leads to lost team fights which leads to lost games? Or am I just completely out of touch with reality?

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id say out of touch with reality, its not my fault i get a game full of brand new players and can exploit the weaknesses they present, its not my fault i have decent aim, its not my fault i spent hours learning, its not my fault i lost 5 straight placements and end up in a super low rank where i dont belong…its a team game. 6 people vs 6 people

(hopefully you can sense the sarcasm)

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Not saying you are wrong in this case.

Making a hypothetical example here (i know it’s not this black and white, exaggerating things just to make my point more obvious):
Imagine that everyone in a team is doing everything wrong except for one person. This will result in a loss. Just because this person is unlucky this happens a couple of times and that person gets lower SR even though they may actually be a better fit for a higher SR. This “unlucky” person now has to win a couple of matches and gets a win streak after the loss streak.

The enemy teams in this persons win streak perceive this person as a smurf. You could blame this on the match maker since it’s what caused the loss streak to begin with (or perhaps the person was just performing poorly for other reasons at that time).

are you blaming my beer and weed consumption for my poor performance?

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They don’t encourage it. They tell you to report people for throwing game and boosting accounts.

Just buying a new account and playing isn’t an offence (direct from Captain Jeff himself)