Blizz Don't Want The Game To Be Balanced

Because they think “meta” is what keep the game fresh.
When they are proud of making a video about how the game keep being unbalanced :

Triple Tank Soldier, Mercy meta, Dive, Hanzo meta, Goat.
Almost everytime they release a new heroe or rework one like Hanzo they make an horrible broken meta.

Instead of fixing some heroes, improving balance and make every characters good and fun, they prefer making a giant chao.

The recent armor nerf prove that they don’t really care of “balance” : Armor nerf destroy all the hero who were balanced with!

For now, the game is on auto-pilot with poor balance change and nothing to make us interested about what gonna happen next. The last update is armor nerf and Reaper going crazy against low rank players.

Don’t forget that, this the community who make the game live, not the e-sport scene. Peoples are not gonna watch all the OWL after soloQueing.


They messed up by making the game unbalanced. Now there is 0 reason for me to switch mid game to combat or counter other heroes because only a set few are actually good. They either need to lock heroes for the entire match or they need to rebalance and leave the hero balancing alone. Force players to find new strategies to break Dive or GOATS for example. The original intent of this game was it’s a first person MOBA that allows you to counter the enemy mid game. No other MOBA does that. Now Overwatch might as well be league of legends.

What’s keeps the game fresh then? Not changing the meta?

You know perfect balance is near impossible right? There will always be a meta.

Good luck balancing 29 heroes to make them on par with each other.

We already have new heroes and maps every 2 seasons.

While this is true, Blizzard can control the scale of dominance that a meta has. They can determine if some meta is only 5% more effective than the next best strategy, or 500% more effective.

But, I have to agree with OP, it doesn’t seem like it’s their goal to try and control for inter-meta power discrepancies. They just seem to cycle between absurdly oppressive metas

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HERO and MAP… not more than one… and even that is a complete joke if you see what other game with equal quality can do… 2018 was a year of nothing.

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Hero or Map. We only get one or the other

I know that heroes and maps don’t really keep the game “fresh”. But cycle meta doesn’t help either.