Blank/missing teammates names

In arcade modes where the names are in the top middle my teammates names are missing. Enemy names are visible though. All I see for teammates are rectangular blocks of color. Can you please tell me how to fix this?

Are you using any color correction settings? Have you tried the scan & repair in Bnet?

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Yes and yes. Repair detected no issues.

Enemy UI: Yellow

Friendly UI: Neon Blue

I am red/green color-blind FYI. I do not like the actual colorblind modes though…

Okay, I recommend posting about this issue in #bug-report because it sounds like a bug may be happening with that system/color correction.

Just to add, this is a known issue that was listed on the Known issues in the #bug-report for the 1.53 patch.

The known issues for 1.53 is no longer listed since the next patch is coming up, you’ll want to check those notes when the team puts those up to see if it may have been fixed.