Biggest tip I can give:

It was intended to be played as a team and from the start they really wanted to emphasize teamwork but the players weren’t smart enough so they dumb the game down for the second one to make the solo experience better

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Yep, this. And there’s always some leader who tries to game the system by spending 20 minutes cherry picking teammates, kicking people if they don’t main heros he thinks are good, kicking people who don’t immediately jump in chat, etc only to get wrecked by an organized 6 stack or 6 individually super soloQ players when the matchmaker gives up on trying to find an equal team.


I always think of six stacking (whether via the lfg or a discord of people) is best thought of as an investment. You don’t win by trying to cherry pick a “dream team” off of heroes people play because real performance as a group also relies on chemistry and you only hurt chemistry by doing that or kicking someone the moment they make a mistake.

Ideally you group up and proceed to play together over the course of a few days/weeks and see returns over time as you not only improve as individuals (hopefully) but also improve at playing together as a team and at covering weaknesses in each other’s games and amplifying strengths of each other.

Then ideally as you go along you can pick up extra people to use as “subs” whenever someone isn’t available and even make a second group of six if everyone’s online. Then as you get used to playing together you can look for tournaments and leagues to join as a group and play together in a more serious atmosphere.

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Yeah I have a few people I duo/trio with and we know each other’s strengths, weaknesses, play styles, etc


this is great advice for climbing but terrible advice for belonging in your elo.

there are players that are borderline useless without there partner(s). and these ppl then solo queue when those people arnt on and they toss away sr because they were effectively boosted up. (and its not always this extreme, sometimes they can be carried by there teams even then)

like its easy to play rein if you have a good zarya and a good main healer. its easy to play genji with a good ana but when you take these heros into the wild solo, now all of a sudden your unable to win.

if a person climbs 500 sr in a group but was hard stuck at lets say 2900. it means they didnt belong at 3400 they belonged at 2900.

the goal isnt to have a bigger number with your SR the goal is to actually deserve that SR.


never solo que
never take good advice
stay on that sigma male grindset

quintillionair quotes

What is the best amount of teamates in a premade? I dont want to do 6 man cuz ik it puts you up against other 6 man teams lol

Duo is generally the best, but it’s up to you. If you have a team that’s very solid and has scrimmed then 6 stacking is very viable. If not, then duo / trio is usually the best way to go. I usually duo since we can synergize to have huge impact while not having so many people on the other team also grouped up; they will have a duo- trio at most

When I solo queue it rigs me so hard. Doesn’t matter which of the 11 accounts I’m on, what time of day, or where on the ladder I’m currently placed. Solo queue puts me with/against the same clowns and you just wintrade back and forth, slowing your boost.

When I grab some bot rando and have them exist in my matches, I get much easier matchmaking. Suddenly it’s entirely different accounts and different sweat level for the same gains. It gets way easier even tho that extra was afk. Almost like SR doesn’t matter, but rigging around hidden MMR scores does.

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I like solo queuing.

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