Beta Week One: Comments from the Overwatch team

Read the room.


"We agree with community feedback that the reduction of shields being thrown about the battlefield makes Symmetra’s Photon Projector harder to get value from. At the same time, Symmetra is suffering from increased overlap with heroes like Mei, who possess better tools for close quarters survivability. While these heroes aren’t our current focus, they’re on our radar for future adjustments and continued monitoring. "

Where is the follow up statement from the devs regarding this issue? And where is the acknowledgment of the negative feedback on Symmetra? These ridiculous changes DID NOTHING to address the above quote.

How about addressing the identity crisis??


Rejoice People, the pile of garbage Symmetra has as changes moving into Overpatch 2 are now only 20m high instead of 25.

Keep in mind they are also noticed that the ability everyone tells them to not touch but they did it anyway (Guardian Angel) isnt exactly popular, so they touch it in a different way next time. Have some confidence…they are obviously taking feedback seriously.

Meanwhile thank god at least they didnt nerf Ana in a meaningful way, i started to worry about her state when i wasn’t antinaded or slept for 20 minutes straight in Overpatch 2.
But turns out it was only happening because i was in que so its all good. /s

Seriously tho…get your things together blizzard.

  • Try and pretend that Symmetra has a cowboy hat and try again like that.
  • Make tanks like a viable choice…just pretend she is a new release or something
  • Nerf Antinade so it dosnt deny healing completely.
  • Mercy: E Valkyrie, Q Instant Resurrect (Fast ult charge)

You are welcome, this one was on the house.


Rework Symmetra into a support, you have failed over and over for years with her, throw it out and start over. The support category has the most limited character selection right now and is bottlenecking que times, it needs more options to attract more players to the role.

i’ve learned to not expect nothing when it comes to symmetra


Will the entire balance team be thrown into a volcano and replaced?


Oh, figured I’d suggest, could there be an option to turn of the echo spatial audio thing for indoor areas eventually.
Honestly just breaks my game awareness and pulls me out of the game trying to figure out if im listening to cassidy’s peacekeeper or a laser weapon. I expect some like it so an option would be a better idea than just reverting, keeps everyone happy

Just scratch this and add new heroes to OW1.


It’s a little too late for that.
Of course, they should have listened to my opinion 4 years ago, Overwatch would now be the biggest e-sport game of all time. :santa:

What was your opinion?

Improving the game in the areas where it matters most from an e-sports perspective.

  1. Improve server performance by increasing dedicated server capacity and refining network design. Compensating for high latency and packet loss, is not fair.
    Poor connection quality of some players, should not affect everyone’s experience.
    Once this part is implemented, the tick rate of the servers should be set to 120Hz, as it is already the case in tournaments and OWL.

This part should not be underestimated, poor server performance and unfair compensation mechanisms, have a bigger impact than most nerfs discussed here on the forum.

  1. Ipv6 Support and Anycast Networking
    I won’t go into it further as it will make this post too long, but it has clear advantages for E-sports shooter games.

  2. Brutal honesty about a players performance
    A player’s performance should not be sugarcoated by showing medals and POTGs.
    I would like players to be able to see at the end of a match how much worse or better they played on average to other players on their rank.
    It would be nice if the players were told at the end of the game what they did wrong. Objectively, not from another player on their team.
    The replay component is already implemented in the game, Blizzard has sets / learning data for all heroes and maps and situations server-side, which can be compared with the replay.
    I am aware that this means a high computational cost, but it should only be done on players request and in my vision it could cost around 20 cents per map.

  3. Many more heroes should be introduced, but in competitive mode there should be a seasonal hero rotation.
    These rotations and lineups should be very thoroughly analyzed and simulated, not to balance all heroes 100% (that’s already impossible), but to test the different capabilities of players.

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People can keep repeating this narrative all they want, doesn’t make it any less wrong.

unfortunately not because you release betas with dropper or pay 40 dollars

Not going to lie, I mainly play DPS and Support due to queue times.

I don’t play Sym, but DAMN, they did her dirty. She is a really poor, underperforming DPS that needed some buffs.

The dev team and balance team spent time making those changes, they ACTUALLY sat down went through them all and went ‘Yep those changes are all good to me’. They nerfed one of the worst DPS heroes in the lineup.

All I can say is you have wasted a bunch of developers time. I don’t even think you ask for feedback or even play test anything anymore.


I’m playing the beta on PS5. Little things that kinda annoyed me as of now that worked flawlessly in the original Overwatch (and still do if you fire it up on PS5):

  1. Using the communications wheel is way clunkier. I need to keep the selection for like a second before letting go of the wheel button so my character really utters the line (Hello, Thank you etc.). This was waaay easier in OW1 and it’s kinda annoying, especially in stressful battle situations.

  2. I put the “Fall Back” command on the lower left field of the communications wheel - it plain doesn’t work. Any other line I checked worked regardless of the position on the wheel, but “Fall Back” with Mercy doesn’t work.

  3. It’s awesome that we got three graphical modes for PS5 but there’s no info, neither on the patch notes nor anywhere on the web what these settings do exactly. I did notice that die 4K setting put the fps somewhere between 30 and 60 and the mid setting keeps the graphics nice while being at a steady 60. It would be nice if we got more info on that. And an FPS counter.

  4. Mercy’s GA is awful… looking forward to the fix. Can’t count how many Rezs were screwed up by the unwanted jump at the end of every GA.

Other than that… it’s fun. But I’m having way more fun on the open queue when compared to the regular queue.

EDIT: 5) I have no idea how to get the text chat window up, other than during the hero select screen. And messages disappear way too quickly. Not fun this way.


That doesn’t sound good… Will you at least be fixing the issue that makes the new map almost inaccessible (map rotaton bug) ?

Thank you for the communication and being transparent. I am having a blast with the beta and finally getting able to play Sojourn (console player).

I thought I would miss the two tank game, but I enjoy the fast pass action of 5v5.

Keep up the great work Blizz!

console players can’t access beta forums

Wait what? I already posted literally 6 bug reports as a console player to the Bug Report forum. What is your point exactly? Which forum do you mean?

flying across the map, making it impossible for half the OW cast to interact with it, sure sounds like great game design!

There’s a specific forum called Beta Bug Reports that you get access to when you get access to the beta. If you sign out and sign back in to forums, it and several other beta forums should pop up.

Console players can currently view the beta forums, but can’t post anything there.

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