Beta Week One: Comments from the Overwatch team

The problem is no hero shouldn’t have a 80%+ unmirrored win rate even in niche scenarios. They need to bring her in to being less niche in general which is going to take a full rework. Remove TP remove sentry turrets, fundamentally rework her primary and secondary. For the life of god make her kit less clunky

Great blog post! Thank you Jodie & dev team :slight_smile:

I’m loving the beta & can’t wait to play the new support! Hurry up! Lol.

For real can we talk about doomfist?!?!? Like they killed his kit (I think ow1 doomfist kit is perfect in the way the abilities flow into each other)

But his new kit is dog water tier, the amount of time I have spent learning how to move with doomfist all wasted cuz bliz wanted to be lazy and just give doom a Winston leap and be done with it, it’s LAZY and obvious that they don’t care about the doomfist mains who love this character. It really sucks to know we are going into the dark ages for doom mains :-/

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Ya same with doom mains, did any of the dev team play doom? Still hating the changes to doom and playing as much OW1 as I can cuz I know they are deleting my character :-/

Really sucks to find “your” character and then they remove it from the game within a year of playing the game

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Could we see in the near future maybe Genji getting some of the new wound mechanics added to his kit. I could see it playing nicely with his dash ability.

Please help me understand Jodie.

Why on earth would you nerf her 9 times if she ‘means a lot’ to you?

And why not have some Symm mains in the secret discord?


it’s okay to have a wrong opinion.

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it’s not really much compared to other tanks, they all have far better initiation tools

That’s because Orisa also has a long ranged stun cooldown and the ability to take nearly half damage plus 125 overhealth and high primary damage. She’s a very aggressive tank so making her also able to move very fast and block more damage would be kinda crazy.

It’s like how, sure, bastion can move in the turret mode now. But it has a maximum duration and a cooldown after use, in exchange for the huge buff. There needs to be a semblance of balance

I love what our CMs Jodie and AndyB have done, but I’m tired of these responses, they hit me like empty platittudes at this point.

Hopefully I can look back at this ashamed for being so dismissive. It has been, I feel, a “new wave” for T4 but I’m not there on trusting promises again just yet.


Since you want additional feedback:

please do something about the chat in the beta. When I am typing stuff whilst waiting in queue and a new map/match loads, all I have written is gone before I could send it! That sucks!

Although I feel the second beta is better than the first one, it still isnt as good as OW1. The newly wanted more aggressive playstyle doesn’t suit everyone. Humans are different (personality) and I loved about Overwatch that you can have different approaches to win. But now it feels like attacking over aggressively is THE only way in most cases. There are people who would describe it as brainless. I don’t want to go that far but it certainly feels like any other shooter and OW might losing what made it special!
As someone else in another thread said, winning as support doesn’t feel fun, it is more of a relief → you can really feel how your shoulders can be feel stiff in a negative way at times.

Yeah for dps it is more fun, I admit that!
But still for support it is more pressure and survival than anything else, when you are not that aggressive type. And those very long ways to get back to the push-robot aren’t helpful either → sure in that time you are not stressed but it is no fun you know -.-
Before someone comes at me "You cant hide behind shields and play healbot anymore) thats not it, I am used to do offensive stuff, too on pretty much every support.
To me the stress-problem is even more noticable on the new maps with its many ways (contrary it is way cooler as dps to use those ways, I know^^)
The queue times and forum responses surely can’t be unnoticed by you guys → even considering supps didn’t really get anything new compared to the others!

As tank it is an double edged sword. Tanks are way more powerful as an entity but most of what you do is attacking, and way less defending/helping your mates. And since you are the only tank a rearview mirror would be nice :smiley: (nah ok that sure won’t be added^^)

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Remember when she had a shield generator? That was crazy. You do realize every hero has had both nerfs and buffs over the years. Sym isn’t any different.
Stop acting dramatic.

  • Secondary Fire projectile size increased from .4 back to .5
  • Secondary Fire charge time reduced from 1.2 seconds back to 1 second
  • Teleporter cooldown reduced from 16 seconds to 12 seconds

Additionally, we have another change for her in mind that we’re currently testing internally. This iteration charges her primary fire beam to level 3 faster to help compensate for less tanks and shields to charge it up. We’re not sure if this change will stick, but our goal is to make Symmetra feel more natural in Overwatch 2.

Aaaand there you go guys. Sym will still keep her orbs at 90 dmg. No words.

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BUFF Doomfist!
When doom gets nerfed he never gets any buffs with it like other characters.

-Change Seismic Slam to 6 seconds

  • If you leave Power Block at 8 seconds with 80% damage reduction fine, but make him immune to sleep dart, hook, Mcree Bomb type abilities since he’s pretty much a sitting duck.

I would love a small damage buff, but that’s probably to much to ask.

Jodie thanks again for letting us know about all this, on the note of Symmetra I have to bring something up that I feel has gone unaddressed for 4 years.

I’ve been making frequent bug reports and posts on various social media platforms describing the fact that her TP will often selfdestruct if you try and place it behind cover, immediately going on cooldown effectively making the ability go “poof.” I just want to know if the dev team is aware of this - it’s something that us Sym mains find tremendously frustrating and I think it’s easily one of the most devastating bugs in the game - I can’t think of anything more severe affecting another hero’s abilities.

Does the team know this exists?

Last link is a huge compilation of this in action.

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being hard to kill doesn’t make you a good tank.
She has no tools to deal with high ground players and said long range stun is basically the only damage tool.

she seems strong but if you know what you’re doing she so dang easy to roll over because she has no real threat once the javelin is on cooldown. And her kit is brawly but doesn’t have spacemaking potential compared to other tanks.

Tell me a situation where orisa would be consistently better than any other tank

Respect for you and Andy,

But you do not care about Symmetra. This response is some carefully constructed pre-approved PR fluff. It is just impartial enough and doesn’t answer any questions about the winrate/pickrate argument that appears to be the justification for these changes. You acknowledged that these changes were a failure, which I am surprised you were given approval to do, but please don’t entertain the notion that anyone on the Overwatch team cares about Symmetra. Years of neglect, disconnect and imbalance suggest otherwise.


Hey that’s my quote :heart_eyes: does this mean I’ve made it :face_with_hand_over_mouth::nail_care:

Hi Jodie,

I’m still struggling to figure out why she was nerfed 9 times tho, especially considering the indirect game structure nerfs on top of that.
With one less tank, less barriers, no more 2CP, less people and a faster paced environment already makes for 4 net gameplay nerfs.

If the gameplay is faster why do her turrets still take forever to set up? Why do they slow less? Surely it would make sense to make them deploy and faster and slow more?

With less barriers why remove the ability to gain ammo from them? She could’ve just kept this as if barriers are rare now there’s no reason for her not to get extra value of one is picked. The extra 30 ammo in relativity does nothing, the orbs are hitting for Zenyatta melee splash damage on a dps hero and 90 for direct impacts

Why do Pharah and Junk get 120 splash projectiles but sym gets 90 and she has to charge them yeah she has 100 ammo but by the time she’s charged her second orb any competent player would’ve have killed her by then.

Why are we nerfing the health of her teleporter? To make up for the fact it deploys in one second now? It’s still the only ability in the game so focused around teamwork that it will never feel good, and Tp being a solo ability is just reaper shadow step it would make sense to rework the ability entirely.

Her beam range is still shorter than Zaryas with no innate survivability this needs to be addressed, at least 2.0s photo barrier negated this point.

So many people Sym mains and Non Sym mains are asking for another rework regardless if it’s back to support or a dps rework, if the heroes abilities are this difficult to balance she needs to be changed fundamentally.

Either way I still have hope for the future of this hero and hope the internal changed see the light of day and I appreciate the response to my comment.

Thank you for listening to Symmetra players; we really need that 30 m range :orange_heart: