Beta is essentially QuickPlay 222 now

Had some “interesting” games tonight.

“Best” one was where we were up against double shield.

One dps was Soldier, which was great. Other dps was Genji.

  1. Genji dives in 1v6 and dies.
  2. Genji dives in 1v6 and dies.
  3. Zarya gets 3 kills. Genji immediately ults and slashes the air several times as no enemies present.
  4. Plays McCree on defence. Stan’s on his own, not using barrier. Dies almost immediately. Enemies beat us in 30 seconds.

Look at his profile. Roadhog, Lucio and Rein. About five minutes on each dps.

Hmmm, methinks he’s not a gold level dps…

But can say that about a lot of players in 222 right now.

We’re all dead bar Reaper. He mists into middle of enemy team 1v6.

“Die, d- uuurgghhh …”

This is at mid gold btw, not bronze. His profile was private, but I’m guessing not a dps main…

There’s an influx of utter crap Reapers in Beta right now. They’ve no idea how to play him, but heard he’s the new hotness and are practicing him.

But, am also realising that I am soft throwing as well with my hero choices…

I main Lucio and Moira. Got utterly wrecked by an Ana and Bap combo on support. Didn’t help that enemy Junkrat utterly uncontested by anybody but me, but if I was a decent Ana or Bap I could have countetered him.

But what was interesting was that enemy Sigma got 41 elims in circa 14 minutes. That’s same as a good dps.

Also, many comps now are Sigma plus another barrier.

I’ve come to the conclusion that if you main tank and don’t play Sigma (competently), then you’re soft throwing.

And if you’re dps and don’t play a shield break hero you’re soft throwing as well.

So I think I’ll just try and get good with Ana and Bap and Sigma. I’ll likely drop at least 500 sr, but this season is only QuickPlay 222 anyway…


I hear ya, but I don’t think 2-2-2 is the issue. Players don’t get worse just because it’s 2-2-2. I think the issue right now is that 1) it’s a new type of game for people and everyone wants to try it out and 2) comps don’t count right now, so everyone wants to try it out.

We don’t have better or worse players, people just know it’s a beta and they’re playing it as if it is.

Regarding Sigma, I think people are playing him now because he’s new. It isn’t because he’s great. He is a good tank, but he’s not unkillable. But 2 shields is tough to play against right now. It just means we have to adjust to new tactics. Flanking is going to become more important.


no judging 222 role queue until October 1st, k?

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Oh totally. It’s going to be great I’m sure…

Given up on Beta though. Games appear decided by which team has most players playing heroes they have absolutely no clue how to play, or ever played before.

I’ve joined them and I’m learning Baptistse. I’m no longer going to get upset by team mates clearly out of their depth, as I am now as well. I’ve already dropped 100 SR (By a miracle, I actually won some games with him), but expect to drop to high silver before I stabilise.

Sorry future team mates, but it’s not as if anybody is taking this season seriously anyway…


yeah, it’s just an illusion. there’s no way the devs would waste their time programming that kind of thing into the matchmaker imho

the sad thing is, I think we’ll have to do it all over again on Sept 1st.

I don’t think any of the beta data will be used when Role Queue goes live properly. oh well :frowning:

People already know matchmaker is busted this season. XQC getting 4.2k support ranking being the best example.

I’ve had a Mercy main on Dva, a Rein main on McCree and an Orisa main on Soldier (in the same match). That was a “fun” game as none of our counters to the enemy Pharmercy wrecking us could actually play their heroes to a 2.3k standard.

Heck, even individual heroes per player have differing SR scores. I’m a 2.3k Lucio or Moira, but I’m crashing down with Baptiste. I expect I’ll stabilise around 1.9k with him. And Ana? Might even get bronze there…

Play whatever.

The OW Devs have already said that this ‘2 week season’ is purely for Data on RQ. After the 2 weeks, all SR reverts back to what it was at the end of Season 17, and every last bit of ‘season 18’ is scrubbed out like an Eraser.

Play whatever. Learn a new hero. It does not matter. Not a little. It’s a ‘free season’. Consider it a break. Pick up Ana. Pick up Mei. Play Sigma (I won’t as I think he stinks).

Again, this season is temporary. Goof off.

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I think that’s what more and more people are doing.

I’m seeing so many players that appear to have never played their hero before, it’s got me wondering how season 18 is going to pan out…

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The problem with beta at the moment is that you get people playing roles that they dont know how to play.

Some guys never plays dps, wins most of his games playing sym and gets put into diamond, doesnt mean hes a diamond dps because as soon as the enemy plays a hard counter he is useless

you can say the same about all the other roles as well, seem someone playing ana in diamond beta but they just die to doomfist all game, or you get a diamond dva that has to play orisa or hog and he just feeds

this sort of thing will happen for quite some time


Soldier is actually terrible against double shield, his DPS cannot keep up with the shield uptime and he lacks any other utility to make up for it.

A Genji on his own will struggle at flanking, but flanker heroes are actually very good against double shield due to the immobile nature of the comp style

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Soo…what part of this was actually different before RQ? You still got the the dumb genjis diving 1v6. you still had mccrees going on mad flanks. you still got teams that wnet double off tank or off healer. At least now you will actually have at least two tanks.

moira isnt’t bad in gold, but lucio suffers from the speed nerf into the ult charge nerf. his passive healing doesn’t really make up for not getting sound barrier all that much anymore.

I mean, I guess you could have helped shoot at him but… not really countered. though if you were ana over lucio you could have had higher and more sustained healing to keep his target alive.

he does 75 per ball within an AoE. I see that not staying as it is. But other than that, he is decently vulnerable with his complete lack of movement and having to recall and resend out his shield. Double shield comps were always a thing in ladder, but that’s when you bring out the shield break picks like junk.

Or the spawn of satan, mei. She went under the radar for so long with people calling her weak, just for her to be a must pick outside of goats. lul.

Whoever thought having a continuous stunning ability on a mode of fire for a gun was drunk at their desk that day.

Played some more comp tonight.

I’m done as support.

I’m not waiting ten minutes to play dps every game. So tank it is.

But I think I’m going to have to drop Orisa. Sigma just seems 10x better right now. His shield apparently never breaks. If it gets low he drops it, does his vortex hand and then it’s back up to full.

He’s also mobile enough to keep up with the Leeroy Jenkins dps rushing ahead.

Zarya is also very good. Got crushed by a very good Zarya in a couple of games. I’ve had several games where Zarya has a bunch of golds and our trash dps are doing nothing.

Also seen plenty of carry Hogs. Especially effective as so many players allergic to staying behind barriers.

2 CP is still crap. Nothing wrong with the mode per se. But the amount of 1v6 feeding going on is really really depressing.

This is why dps queue so long. Press triangle, get a quad kill and you can carry your thrower team mates.

(Or git gud with carry tank).

I played a few games in A six stack last season, and they were great. Win or lose, very intense games.

But currently 222 is the same non teamwork, death match crap that we’ve had for the last 3 years…

And with dps queue 10 minutes, tank queue 2 minutes and support queue 1 minute, I suspect a lot of players thinking the same…

You can carry support as lucio or ana, have you given that a go or you don’t usually play them?

Just played what may be my final game of Overwatch for quite some time.

The “teamwork” on PS4 at gold is pretty much non existent.

If I play a shield tank then 99% of the time my team will run past me and get picked.

If I’m leading the way, several times I’ve been abandoned by my team that’s decided to let me get butchered by the enemy team as they decide to take a cunning flank. On the upside I’ve held up the enemy for a few seconds with my life. Sucks for my pbsr and sr gains. Got 15 sr for my last tank win…

And attacking 2 CP. Paris map. Notorious for being hard to crack. Team I had: Couldn’t crack a nut if paid a million dollars. I won’t go into full details, but whole attack phase was constant 1v6 feeding.
Utter stinking crap.

This shouldn’t affect my sr at all. After all, assuming that I’m not an idiot, enemy team going to have more idiots on it than mine.


So 1/3 games I lose due to idiots on my team.
1/3 of games I win due to enemy idiots.

Leaves 1/3 of games that are in the balance.

So same as normal comp then…

On the upside, gave Sigma a comp run out. His mobile barrier can keep up with even the most blood thirsty and clueless dps.
He just lobs his spheres in the general direction of enemies and they gib. His rock cc is great. Need to train his ult as never cast it before and messed it up.

Suffice to say that I’ll always be playing him if he’s not already picked. He seems bonkers good.

He is pretty good, but watch out for sombra

Think that’s true of almost every hero…

Made me realise that I’d been soft throwing not playing Sigma earlier.

He’s Insanely (quite appropriate) flexible. Eg Anubis he places barrier on left, team rushes in, barrier retrieved, barrier ready to place for next attack phase immediately.
Barrier drops, does his vortex hand.

Makes him super survivable.

And his basic attack seems bonkers good.

Not wrong, its like blizzard gave everyone 2 alt accounts and let them place at the same SR as your normal sr like WHAT? Your telling me a person who has never played ana in there life can place 3500 and just learn ana from there? Like whyyyyyyyyyyy. I litterly got a guy on my team that has never played a single support hero in his life and got placed 3600 and went 1-4 in placements. Do the MMR reset this should not be allowed. For the idiots thinking that bronzes would play with GM in a MMR reset use your brain and figure out how placements on a new account work.