Best Mercy rework idea eva! no srsly

(some people made some good points about res so i made a small change)

HPS reverted to 60 her healing also now has a resource bar that refill very fast more of a overheat feature than anything else,
Her damage amp is removed and replaced with her new right click, enhancement beam when this beam is used on a tank it will reduce the damage they take by 20% when used on a fellow healer it will boost the amount of healing they can output when used on a dps it will boost their damage for the same it currently does, her right click also has a resource/overheat bar this is to give mercy something to think about / manage and encourage her to alternate between the two instead of just holding it down but in turn making her beams more powerful again.

Resurrect is removed… kinda, her new E ability is angelic blessing on a 8sec cd and last 5sec it will also be instant cast and usable while using her healing stream or enhancement beam, this will work very similar to beacon of light for holy paladin in WoW it will put an effect that will work mechanically like zenyattas orb but it will not be removed from line of sight break as it has a duration, the blessing will increase the amount of healing the target takes from mercy’s healing stream by 20% this will give mercy the ability to give burst healing to a tank when a fight really kicks off, additionally whenever mercy heals someone else with the blessing still applied to a different team member said blessed team member will receive 20% of healing streams regular healing.

Shift unchanged.

Ult is still valk but with a few changes upon using valk mercy will apply Angelic Blessing to all friendly team mates within 15yards, Angelic blessing will then be replaced with resurrect for the first five seconds of valk after five seconds it will revert back to blessing but with a six second cooldown instead of 8 seconds(valk lasting 15sec) allowing mercy to make a quick decision to bring a key member back and then allow her to give healing to everyone in range of her when she ulted i feel this would give her an ult that well… does something? xD this ult will be perfect for pushing a choke giving a fair amount of healing to all team members for 5sec and undoing one death.

I feel these changes would buff mercy and make her more fun / interesting to play giving her resources and a powerful buff on E to maintain on a priority team mate such as an ulting genji or a nanoed charging rein.

Thoughts on my proposed changes? what changes would you make to make mercy fun and fair?


That’s called Moira.


No Moira’s resource bar takes a very long time to refill on its own the kind i propose for mercy would take a few seconds to fill back up nothing taking to long just enough to encourage switching the beams so the other can refill

  • Resource? No.
  • Enhancement? Too complicated. Why not just give damage reduction to everything? It is useful to all roles.
  • You ask to remove Resurrect and then bring it back with the ultimate. Kind of weird. Also, low cooldown and low cast time? There’s a reason those were nerfed.

I’ve seen a suggestion in bringing back the solo healing for Mercy, which I think is the best idea ever.
Just give her back the ability to heal single targets quickly, and get rid of the chain heals. Using the “enhancement” modification from this suggestion to make her right click to just give damage reduction would be better than Damage Boost (Also, Angela is all about “peace and stuff” and Damage Reduction fits better than Damage Boost).

The reason i want ressurect removed from her regular E ability is because its just a horrible ability in every way and hard to balance while if you only have access to it while in ur ulting its easier to balance as you only have access to it for a short duration her resurrect has the same problem Syms old TP had it was there to revert something after its happening while the buff i propose would work to prevent the death in the first place which is more engaging as an ability but it would also give her the ability to turn a team fight around when she ults and can bring two people back one at the start and one at the end.

As someone who has found Mercy to be boring since open beta, these changes sound great. I would probably play that hero. Finally a Mercy rework I like. Good job!

This sounds more like a new hero than Mercy.

The whole point of nerfing her double res in Valkyrie and cast time was to prevent exactly what you want to happen – turn teamfight around by quickly resing people.
It’s the same reason her old mass res ultimate was removed.

This is not an MMORPG where you’re trying to down a computer generated boss. You’re playing against players, and if you die against them, you don’t deserve an instant second chance.


And having an ability like that on a 30sec cd is just awful while only having the chance to res 6 maybe more depending on the match length and the ability of each person would be a much better version of it in my opinion res right now is just horrible huge cd and it just makes her gameplay so simple and boring her only having it while valked would make it more impactfull when it matters and allow her to have a fun engaging playstyle

I like the idea. Except for the Enhancement Beam. Sometimes you need your healer or tank to do damage just as much as any dps. Either left damage boost unchanged or switch everything for damage reduction.

The thing I liked the most was the overheat function. It will increase her skill celling.

I don’t like the ULT as well, I really don’t want any buffs to ress, I don’t want to risk another mercy meta.

Again, you don’t understand what I’m saying here…

Mercy might have fun and engaging playstyle while jumping around resing people left and right, but what about the people that killed those ressed teammates of Mercy’s?
You think it’s fun for me, as a Widow main, that I find an idiot out of position and shoot him down, and have Mercy swoop in and res him and give him a second chance?

If that’s fun and engaging…How about SR doesn’t change when you lose one game but two? Say, I lost a game and SR doesn’t change because why not give me a 2nd chance to prove myself?

It’s a competitive environment. If you lose, you lose. If you die, you die!

I understand fully i don’t think you quite understand though in her current form she can do that very thing that annoys you every 30sec in this iteration her res would be a valuable thing she can use once per ult (i changed it because i agree twice is to much) not to be wasted on a random person but a key member that was taken out. i think you will have an issue with res regardless in any form it takes though but that is a key part of her identity and i dont think it should be removed just limited her resurrect should feel like a sprinkle of glitter on the icing on a cake it should be a rare thing she can do that is still impactfull currently she throws one out pretty much whenever she feels like it xD

I really like the enhancement beam idea!

I had an idea that’s been floating around in my head but maybe it’s been proposed before. Rework Rez to be able to occur a little easier with either shortened cast time or cooldown, BUT implement a mechanic imposed on teamates where individual heroes will have their own Rez availavibilty or “resurrection stability” timer that runs a decent bit longer than the Mercy’s own cooldown timer preventing consecutive rezzes on a single hero.

This mainly prevents the same heroes from constantly being rezzed and essentially caps the amount of rezzes that can occur within a team fight, but at the same time give mercy herself an easier time with not dying as frequently and this brings Rez back to the forefront with different limits on usage.


60 HPS back again: Good

Enhancement Beam: Overly Complicated. Also removes shenanigans like boosting Rein’s firestrike or Brig’s death combo. Not good

Limited “ammo” on beams: Hard pass on that. One of Mercy’s primary strengths is that nothing can interrupt her healing. She shouldn’t lose that.

Angelic Blessing: You… do realize that 20% of her heal beam is 12 HPS right… aka absolutely not enough for an E ability?

Valkyrie: Needs more specifics.
Is that 1 Resurrect in Valk instant?
Does this Mercy still have chain beams?

Enhancement beam would be able to have many interactions like that still, idk how you can think it would be complicated very simple whatever you are it makes you better at being that. mercy is a very simplistic character enhancement beam would allow a higher skill ceiling like enhancing a lucio when he uses his amp it up on his heal aura making it even stronger she would still damage boost the hero’s that are supposed to be doing the bulk of the damage anyway. i personally think her being able to damage boost everyone is kinda silly and sorta takes away from Anas and Orisas ults

Mercy has lock on there is no chance of her heals not going through when she initiates them unless ana nade her healing is the most reliable healing in the game i’m not suggesting she should be running out of healing but that she should be juggling healing and enhancing which is already what a good mercy will be doing only now she wont be able to just hold it down forever

Blessing would allow her to heal a tank for 72hps but i can see it could be lacking so maybe a damage reduction to it as well (and lets not forget 12health points is a fair chunk in a game like overwatch where most have 200hp total)

For the ult yes it would be instant as she only gets one res and only has 5 seconds to choose who to res, and yes again the beam will still chain the mass angelic blessing would just allow her to get everyone back to full health quicker.

Oh! You have inspired me. So you want to raise Mercy’s skill ceiling right? Well most of Mercy’s skill comes from answering the question “Who needs which beam the most right now?” So… why not make it so she can apply any of the three enhancements to anyone and use E to cycle between buffs?

Maybe also swap out the heal boost for a movespeed boost since that and her heal beam would be directly competing.