Best dps to copy as Echo?

i like how you think, play for fun, not for what the excel sheet says is the best strat mathematically. as a tank player, i personally feel like uninstalling every time an echo dupes me, so i’m glad to see you don’t think that needs to be always what you do. triple tank makes me sad.

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Mei or Doomfist, assuming you know how to play those heroes…

Does Hog count as a dps? :pray:

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Ashe Reaper Torb Tracer

if you can aim at all def McCree or 76.

Baby D.Va

Torb. Put a turret down, get your hot load instantly.

But really, if you are not copying a tank, you are wasting your ult.

Doom, Tracer, Sombra

But Doom is probably the best one

hahahaha that’s hilarious

ive played echo and ended up selecting 76 which ended up wrecking the opponent team i had

That’s easy… Roadhog.

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DVA. You can get up to three bombs I think. Or maybe two ? Isnt that enough ? :smiley:


Copy Echo then ult and copy Echo then ult and copy Echo copy Echo then ult and copy Echo copy Echo then ult and copy Echo…

:dizzy: :dizzy_face: :dizzy:


Im a tank player so Idk much about this but i feel like utility heros are very useful like mei or sombra. tracer could be good too if you are good at sticking targets.

If you are not copying you are doing it wrong.

I don’t even remember seeing anyone copying anything else let alone a dps.

Every time I use her ult, I seem to take double damage and rarely get to take full advantage of her. :slightly_frowning_face:

I know it’s not Widow.

Cuz I usually headshot anyone that tries to copy me immediately lol

Their cheap copies are nothing to the real deal


I think, in terms of base kits, it depends on the situation. Like, Duping Bastion is probably a no-brainer if you just want raw damage, but good luck getting your dupe to survive long enough to use it. If you have the aim for it, Widow or Hanzo are also pretty good for base kits, but their Ults are rather lackluster. Cassidy or even Torb would probably be better.

In terms of getting the most ult charge:

Ashe > Reaper > Junkrat > Tracer > Sombra > Torb > Cassidy > Doomfist. Characters like Bastion, Widow, Symm, Soldier, Pharah, Mei, and Genji all have “long-lasting” Ults that prevent you from using Dupe’s crazy Ult charge gain to its fullest, since the Ult will either outlast the Dupe or there’s too much of a lag before you can gain more charge.

Pharah is probably the one character I avoid Duping, because she’s technically like Echo except worse unless you can land direct rockets consistently. Echo does make Pharah’s Ult relatively safer, though.

Hog is another viable choice, since one “deep breather” is enough to almost fill the ult charge.

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Looks like it can be done :thinking: