Best and worst maps

What are the best and the worst map in Overwatch 2, in your opinion, including the old map in the current selection. And why?

I start: Circuit Royal is my favorite, I love the open area beginning, the gigantic high ground with the hotel balconies, and inside the hotel with all the passages.

I think Gibraltar is the worst. I just cannot play this map anymore after 6 years it is too much…

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I also really like Circuit Royal. However Oasis and Nepal will always be my two go to’s.

Junkertown can die in a fire.

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I really like Circuit Royal and Busan. Not a fan of Colosseo.

i like the royal map too! its pretty snazzy. i however, despise the colosseo map. its gorgeous to look at, but playing on it makes me want to die. as for old maps, i liked temple of anubis… ): i guess i dislike ilios, mostly bc i keep getting kicked off and its very embarrassing lmao.

Yeah colloseo is too hard to push under the bridge, and there is too much corridor everywhere so you always get flanked.

But it is still pretty fun, I agree however that it is my least favorite map in the new maps.

Worst maps:

  • every Push map

This mode sucks ***

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Esperanca is p good tho

it’s not as bad as 2cp imo
it’s mildly irritating sometimes, but i feel like you can definitely flip fights more often instead of get rolled x2 or have an insanely long and drawn out turtle where you end up losing to OT because the stall squad rolled out onto a point that’s right next to spawn

I don’t know about what’s “best” or “worst”, but I’m going to rate the new maps in OW2. My favourite is Circuit Royal and Midtown. New Queen Street is up there as well, although I wouldn’t say it’s on the level of the first two.

My least favorite maps are:

  • Esperanca - beautiful map, but way too big for 5v5
  • Colosseo - too many angles/flanking routes for flankers, very hectic map when pushing the Robot
  • Paraiso - high ground at the first point favors defenders too much

EDIT: Changed my mind on Esperanca. It’s a big map but seems to work quite well for 5v5 especially with a dive tank. So that leaves only Colosseo and Paraiso as my least favorite maps.

I beg to differ.

I would rather have 2CP than the Push game mode. I’m sick and tired of pushing a payload / robot on a game that is supposed to be faster-paced.

They should have reworked every game mode so they’re different from OW1. The only game mode that really plays differently for me (because of 5v5) is KOTH and I bet 2CP would also be really different with one tank less.

And don’t get me started with the 45 sec walking simulator you experience on Push depending on where the robot is located…

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I will be only listing new maps 'cause no point of listing the old ones.

Best map : Paraiso (even though it involves pushing a payload but there’s no new KOTH maps sadly).

Worst maps : All the Push maps except for Colosseo who has less useless spots no one even uses (and makes it the only decent Push map).

Push needs reworking already anyways.

New maps only

Best: Circuit Royal
Worst: Esperança - I only had 3 matches in that map and all of them were unfun.

The part with the rooftops is a banger.