Being unfun to play against is and never will be a valid reason to nerf a character

We get it, you died, you didn’t have fun losing. If the game didn’t have deaths, it’d be boring, very fast. If it didn’t have characters that can beat you, with a variety of options, it’d be boring and undiverse. Just because you have some pet peeve grievance because you could not accept a loss or are so used to typing in God Mode cheats on single player games and running through them without a care for actual game mechanics or skill, is no reason to try to ruin it for the rest of us.

Sincerely, mains of:

  • Ana
  • Ashe
  • Bastion
  • Brigitte
  • D.Va
  • Doomfist
  • Genji
  • Hanzo
  • Junkrat
  • Lucio
  • McCree
  • Mei
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Orisa
  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Soldier: 76
  • Sombra
  • Symmetra
  • Torbjorn
  • Tracer
  • Widowmaker
  • Winston
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Zarya
  • Zenyatta

We are all tired of your constant whining about how some hero is unfun to play against because they killed you and you lost the match and how that means they should be nerfed or changed. Please take your salt and place it somewhere else.

For the game to be fun, and competitive, it has to have consequences. You don’t see them removing 3 pointers from a basketball game because the other team can’t shoot from that far do you? No? Well that’s essentially what people here want. If this were basketball if someone lost to a 3 point shot they’d get on the forums and start raging about how unfair having more points at 3 point range is, and that it’s incredibly unfun to lose against so please remove it.

Here it is, in logic form, given:

  1. EVERY hero has had a nerf because unfun thread
  2. We should Nerf because things are unfun

Therefore, we should nerf everyone, because people will always find reasons to think dying to a hero is unfun.

Most of these reasons are not valid, they are complaining and venting at best. You need a way to separate the salt from actual feedback because there’s very little feedback about a hero being unfun to play against or frustrating that isn’t just salt.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct


I look at it this way.

If something is going to be unfun, then it shouldn’t feel unfair.

Dying instantly to a Widow headshot halfway across the map is unfun.

But it’s extremely fair.


Actually it’s an extremely valid reason, since this is a video game. Video games are designed ot be fun. If a particular hero and their abilities causes increasing amounts of frustration, including enough for people to stop playing your game, then it’s probably one of the best reasons to do something about it.


It’s not valid for a number of reasons, first of all, fun is subjective. In this case it is subjective because they were on the losing end and they don’t like losing to it. Balance is another issue entirely, you’re not supposed to love dying to any hero, and if there’s a player on the other team more skilled than you on a hero you will die to them, a lot. Conflating that with balance is going to just upset a lot of people all the time and it also pollutes the forums non stop.

For the game to be fun, and competitive, it has to have consequences. You don’t see them removing 3 pointers from a basketball game because the other team can’t shoot from that far do you? No? Well that’s essentially what people here want. If this were basketball if someone lost to a 3 point shot they’d get on the forums and start raging about how unfair having more points at 3 point range is, and that it’s incredibly unfun to lose against so please remove it.


Not really. It’s unfun to die, period. There is always someone out there that thinks dying to Soldier 76 is unfun. Doesn’t mean we should change him at all.


Balancing a video game around a mix of fun and competitiveness is how they should do it. Going fully into pro play is bad for casuals and fully into casuals is bad for pro play. Doom wasn’t that strong in pro play with their communication, but for 99.99% of the game, he was incredibly op/ unfun. It is a mix.


Yep this, and if they get that change to Soldier 76 they’ll just move onto whatever thing last killed them that they remember.

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A lot of basketball rules have been changed over the years to make the game more more fun and remove/minimise unfun stuff.

The 3 point shot itself was added to basketball relatively recently to make the game more fun.


Some things should be changed, but not because someone is salty over losing and just chooses to blame that particular thing. That is exactly the wrong way to do anything.

Not to heroes that don’t have the mobility or the range to close the distance or threaten her.


They are, that’s why Overwatch is currently bleeding players.


If they can’t take losing in a game with fairly balanced (within 10% winrate gap for most ranks) game then they aren’t going to be happy on whatever game they go to next either. People that can’t take losing as part of the game shouldn’t play anything but PVE or single player because that’s the only way they’ll be happy.

Yes, but at the same time the devs can’t just ignore all complaints as the whining of salty players if you want to keep the majority of the playerbase happy. If there are widespread complaints about a particular gameplay element, be it a hero, a gameplay mechanic, or whatever it’s usually a good idea to take a look at it and strongly consider changing it.

Except in other games they don’t have hardlock CC on every other character. WoW does, but is a part of the MMO, and it isn’t as oppressive because in WoW you can’t get one shot across the map when you are CC’d.

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People will bandwagon complaints but that doesn’t lend them credibility. Example, when brig came out a lot of people were bandwagoning the idea that Rein was unplayable because of the CC. Turned out brig enabled Rein more than hurt him. But if you had listened to those complaints then you would’ve been on the complete wrong side of the facts or reality.

Most complaints here have no real basis, they are repeating things they heard others say as a bin to place their salt in.

That’s not what I’m referring to. You’re confusing being upset from individual instances of dying compared to a pattern of frustration caused by how an individual hero plays in general.

When you die once from soldier, you may be unpset because you died but almost nobody immediately says “wow soldier is so broken and unfun for killing me”.

Even when you die from a widow headshot, MOST people realize their mistake of walking into an open space where she can kill you, and/or not putting any resources into contesting her and letting her run wild.

It’s a completely different story when half of your player base is complaining about how the mechanics of particular heroes feel constantly frustrating to play against like Brig or Doomfist.

The people who do things like one-trick Genji and complain about Winston OP are not taken seriously. Everyone knows they are just complaining because of their own personal failure to understand how the game works. When a large group of people all have similar complaints because they feel like they can’t play the game effectively because certain heroes have become too dominant, there is reason to listen to feedback. If you focus exclusively on the pro level pick rates and win rates, you can still lose your player base because a few heroes become too annoying to play against.

While it’s not a big secret that devs do use community feedback in their balance decisions, it was stated that it by itself will not warrant a change. It will be considered with additional tools like statistics and objective evidence.


I mean that complaint has no more justification than any of the other salt bins people make up to place their salt into.

Who are you trying to demonize or antagonize here pal?
And most important … who do you think you speak for?

Because listing all heroes and saying “you are tired of your constant whining” makes zero sense.

Its the most vague attempt to go fully passive aggresive that ive ever seen.

If you are just going to do this to every argument then there is exactly 0 point in debating with you, and therefore 0 point in you posting on the forums. If you can’t handle a counterargument properly then think twice before posting an extremely unpopular and controversial topic on a public forum.