Become a Hero of the Galaxy in Starwatch – Now Live

I don’t think you know what blatantly means. Stay mad, though, while I keep having fun.

And nobody said this was supposed to be Archives. It’s a PvP mode. We haven’t had new Archives in years because they’re working on full PvE. Why do people think this event is supposed to be Archives? You can’t show up for a football game and then complain that it’s not a basketball game.

Playing for 16 games to unlock everything was pain. Mainly due to the garbage matchmaker creating severely unbalanced games and unfortunately, 95% of the time I was on the losing side regardless of whichever faction I played on. I got like 2 wins throughout this entire event.

oh dear… I’m sorry to say this but maybe it can spare someone else, your pain

you only need to get 5/5 , in the game mode. rest can be done in any mode, even quickplay. (plus get the gravity/destroy things in the gamemode thing)

but yeah the to 16 for event, can get progress to that, outside the game event mode.

What does full pve mean? As far as we know, they are working pve maps that they will release during seasons. Think of Archives but tied to seasons. They even said in a previous update that Archives was the blueprint for what they want to do for their pve strategy.

Let’s not over hype it as if it’s going to be a campaign with story, hero missions, etc, etc. It sounds pretty clear that they are creating story based maps to release every so often during seasons.

I still dont understand why they dont just put the Archive missions into Arcade and let us play them all we want. They are lore based, so why must they just disappear, never to be played again.

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My dude your original post you said it’s more replayable than archives. That is a verifiable joke considering archives had various difficulties, lasted longer per game, and had varying minibosses. This just has meaningless turrets you can kill from spawn, mini zarya gravs that are painfully easy to avoid, and a brainless AI doomfist feeding 24/7. People are comparing this to archives because we didn’t get archives this year, and we instead got this weak one-queue game mode around the time we should’ve gotten archives, and this starwatch event is


  • in a shameless or conspicuous way; flagrantly:
    “While many of those workers are joining unions, many others are being blatantly ripped off.”
    Source: dictionary com, google, etc.

worse than archives. If you enjoy this game mode, good for you, but people are 100% valid to complain.

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at this point it’s like you guys are not even trying, just stop already

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Hard pass

delete this game mode. work on pve, get your crap together you piece of crap company.

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