Be honest: who (unseriously) wondered if Mercy wanted to meet DF for pleasure instead of business?

No, and you were wrong for thinking that.


Okay, that description of her causes me to draw a lot of blanks; it’s been that long since I played 2. That said, reading up on her in between posts, I notice it says that if you’re too virtuous around her, she’ll think you’re weak and not worth romancing. So in her case it isn’t as simple as “All you have to do is be nice to her.”

As for the fates of many BG1 party members either in between games or in the sequel, I agree that that sucked. Especially when one of the ones I liked from the first game and was a loyal comrade back then winds up betraying you in the second, out of the blue, just because she could make a lot of money by doing so.

But it feels so right! :cry:

Lmao, you’re not wrong.

And I’d totally meet Doomfist, too… :v: :joy:


Genji would be SO furious.

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She probably hates Doomfist because she’s a pacifist.
Likewise Doomfist hates her for disbelieving in conflict being the solution and being a member of the organization (Overwatch) that had him in prison before he broke out.

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Oh, I’m sure you’re right, which is why I qualified the title of this thread with “unseriously.” Because there’s no real possibility of them getting together, unless something happens to make one or the other reconsider their beliefs.

But if people can make memes about Tracer and Widowmaker based on Tracer being on top of Widow in “Alive” and Widow smiling (and those started before the reveal that Tracer was a lesbian), I can make a thread about this. :wink:

My guy has been watching too many vids from a certain website before bed time

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“Take two and call me in the morning” - Mercy

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post still added more lore to overwatch than they have for years

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Jesus Christ no. Wow. Very definite no.

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“This is horny police! get your hands up in the air and approach carefully! You there with the bizzare object, put that on the ground, lay down on… Stop doing that!”

“Sir, the guy with object he’s doing weird things!
What is that? I have authorization to what?”
“Wilkins, the Flamethrower!”


Both of these made me literally laugh out loud. :joy:

I mean it’s really obvious the writers have something going on here.
The operation in Havana was led by Angela, so who’s help do you think she’ll need to conceal her real intentions? the cybernetic ninja she brought from death that owes her his life, the halfwitted tracer who wouldn’t know any better, and of course winston who although is really smart, is only there to assist tracer.
Plus Angela wore far more make up than usual for whatever reason. Fishy.

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Can we not? :neutral_face:

LMAO I forgot about this thread :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(20 characters)

This is kind of topic that i would forget existance of on purpose.


Loving this post, made me laugh a lot. Thanks.


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This has already occured on a certain “adult website”
Thats ends with “hub”
Good times !!

HMMMM You really think mercy is after that :honeybee: :honeybee: :ocean:?

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