Maybe they’re a snake and writing in dialect.
We saw this in beta. Bastion with a shield was pure cancer lol
People really do not like team work. A team working together should be tough to deal with, which means your team will also need to work together to beat them.
Games against bastion are very fun and enjoyable personally.
The thing is that every time there’s a Bastion in my QP games, people start moaning and calling him names, mostly those who play vs him.
Listen, you can complain about QP, but if you keep feeding and you don’t want to switch to counterpick, then I don’t wanna hear it.
Bastion is unusually vulnerable to counterplay.
Anybody who complains about Bastion hasn’t played enough against Bastion.
He’s honestly not that powerful of a character if your point is that the whole team has to coordinate with Bastion to utilize the character. I love playing Bastion as much as the other characters, and I’ve never experienced an all-powerful robot on either team. If you don’t want to switch characters in order to change strategy in order to win then that’s your choice. Disguising your opinions of Bastion as a plea to help “the new players” isn’t helping. If players are going to get fed up with a character, then it would likely be the characters that are most frequently played and found in high ranks.
Personally, I feel that if many people feel distaste for Bastion because they feel obligated to adapt, then I should play him more frequently.
You can pretty accurately guess someone’s rank based on their feelings on this topic.
So let’s cut the garbage out and get to the meat of it.
Bastion needs a buff because he’s useless at high ranks. He can’t have a buff because he’s oppressive at low ranks.
So Bastion will get a rework instead. It’s already announced for OW2 and we are not likely getting anything substantial in any direction until then
5 year old game and people still can’t figure out how to counter heroes or work together
It is rather frustrating, most flanking heroes in good hands are easily countered or at least deterred. They have to get in close to do the damage they seek, a team that is grouped can literally just look at the flanker and they will fall back for a bit.
Dive compositions are usually met with anti dive compositions, so this is an even 1 for 1 in which it’s not just one hero needing to be countered, but the entire team. So it’s only fitting the entire opposing team retaliates against the diving team.
Snipers or flying heroes can often be dueled by other flying or sniping heroes. (At this point it’s considered the ‘duel’)
Tanks have their busters and busters can be outplayed by their counters if the hero is in the right hands.
But Bastion can completely derail everything if the Bastion is skilled or if the entire team plays around him well enough. It’s not as simple as just going Sombra to hack him, Ana to sleep him, Hog to hook him, or another Bastion. The entire team often has to pour a great deal of their resources into trying to dethrone the Bastion and that’s excessive. Because the only true way to knock him out of position when the enemy bunkers down and fuels the Bastion is Sombra’s EMP. Which means a good minute wasted waiting for your Sombra to find the right angle to get some charge from a tank or healer out of position.
I think the issue is that Bastion can just sit in Turret form undeterred by a timer or any other restriction. Maybe put his Turret form on a cooldown use that lasts a collection of seconds might fix the issue.
Hate to say it but if the enemy team plays around theyr bastion and yours not, they kinda deserve the win
But I agree on his unideal design, but that’s for ow2
I think he needs a full blown rework. New abilities, new ultimate, etc. I don’t think any characters should be deleted. They’re more than just abilities and an ultimate. Their called “Characters” for a reason. Personality, Lore, Design.