Bastion Megathread On His Current Situation *Bug Fixed!*

Or at least reduce it, it’s just rng for anything further than close range!


Wouldn’t 1 extra damage per bullet in turret form be effective also?

Wouldn’t that be just 560 dps instead of 525?

Perhaps, but we cant overdo it. Maybe 1 extra damage is too low. I’m just basing buffs off of what blizzard could minimally do. If they want him to be a shield buster then make him actually melt shields. But that’s not a good way for bastion ofc. I still want the old sentry style.

Well, flat out increasing the damage through numbers (like 1 more damage per shot) will only reward mediocrity. Old sentry required you to aim well, both to hit your target and to aim for headshots. If you just have to get them in the big circle where his bullets hit there’s even higher damage with no skill needed for the extra damage.


Ah yeah that’s true. Anyways



Did i miss something?
Tank bug fix?
Could it really be? after so long…


Limps along on a cane “After all these days the prophecy was true…”


It should be going live soon, from what it sounded like.


Bumping for the Cult of Ganymede.

Thought of the Day “Pharmacy is not an issue if both of them waiting to respawn.”


It’s kind of annoying that people want a reliable counter to PharMercy but won’t let Bastion be that counter :stuck_out_tongue:


Having the spread decreased as well as critical’s again would make sentry actually viable as in its current state its a joke trying to get elims any distance other than right in your face.

As well as this I found with old Bastion, Tank form was the characters redeeming feature that made up for Bastions flaws as it opened up so many options (the most notable being able to use it to eat tracers pulse bomb) however with current Bastion its kind of meh, with recon mode having to carry the character more for me.

Overall with all the patches Blizzard has been passively nerfing the character overtime (the tank noise change, new characters that tank mode is pathetic against and general buffs to other characters), so a buff is much needed so they stand a bit more of chance.


I’ve had the exact opposite experience, Bastion was trash before the rework and an annoyance after the rework because of Ironclad and sustained damage instead of burst damage - if you want the Sentry changes reverted honestly be my guest as it’ll make certain he never sees any more use if he can’t self heal and get pocket healed with the damage mitigation thru’ a dive.

The whole turret character concept is just awful, they already reinvented the idea via Orisa and making Bastion even more polarizing of a design just skirts the edge of either being broken and unfun or unplayable and a waste of resources. Give Bastion something to do well other than sit behind a shield, and you significantly raise his general applications, his skill cap and his pick rate.

I’d be half tempted to put his Transformation Tank on his E, reduce its damage to 120 per shot and give him Remote Mine again just so the character had more depth.

this post has 272 likes and 40 dislikes in favor of reverting sentry. Tons of people want it changed back.

Please tell me you read the OP? That’s literally one of the suggestions in the “possible rework” section :frowning:

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Who wouldn’t want the old turret damage back? That doesn’t mean giving the old turret damage back is what’s right for the character, he was straight up less viable before the revert than he is now even with the old turret damage because he couldn’t survive being focused compared to having less damage, Iron Sides and meter based Self Healing. If you give the old weapon back, it makes the changes to Recon mode irrelevant because that mode was meant to be the high weapon accuracy mode for Pharmercy etc.

I didn’t go thru’ every sub-tab of the OP, but it doesn’t surprise me that someone else already suggested that change at all because the entire problem with Bastion is that he completely relies on Sentry Mode and Iron Sides to have any impact on the game. What Bastion needs more than anything is a tool re-engae with after a team fight is lost or he gets picked and has to reinforce from spawn because Recon mode isn’t cutting it. The more you depower Sentry Mode, preferably by getting rid of Ironsides altogether so teams can’t pocket him with healing over multiple forms of damage mitigation, the more you can power up Recon Mode (or whatever else) to give him an effective strategy other than El Presidente.

Think about it this way, he used to be able to do 1050 damage and a moderate range vs tanks, now he does way less than 525 at moderate range with only 60 effective HP to show for it.

I’d say losing effectively 465 damage and more at range in a fight is bad for him.

Ironclad sucks completely. He also needed the recon and healing buffs anyways, not the sentry rework. Recon is supposed to be his mobile mode, not his “accurate one”.

Both Sentry and recon should be similar in how they operate except that sentry can’t move and does more damage. Sentry shouldn’t be the “tank busting mode” considering they ruined it’s damage vs tanks but it has always supposed to be his defending mode.

You push or relocate with recon, you dig in with sentry to defend (Or siege if you’re in a good enough position.) That is literally what his lore shows and his whole identity is supposed to be

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Bumping for Bastion!


Thanks! It’s difficult keeping this thread alive, most of what people are going to say about Bastion has been said already so the debate has kind of died down meaning this thread falls quite alot.

Wait a minute:

I have my fingers crossed!


And that someone else will be…

Ana! We are making her grenade leave a cloud of both poison and healing! Thanks for listening. Bastion? who?


It’s no prob :slight_smile:. I just want my hero to be viable. I even put up a topic just to garner some attention to him!