Bastion Megathread On His Current Situation *Bug Fixed!*

It is a completely relevant point. The controls and the way the heroes interact are entirely different between the two systems.

as for the rest of your quote, currently you’re handed kills by bad aim. The spread is so big you’re bound to hit someone with bad aim. Old sentry required you aim precisely or it did basically nothing.

If he’s so viable, why is his pickrate so atrocious?


I’m sorry, my Console playing friend. But i can only find 5 hours of Bastion play on your profile. I’m sure there are a few more than that, But try playing at Plat/Higher Rank For about 50 hours, And you will see what we are talking about.

even out of Comp, You get placed with players closer to your rank, If not Higher ranked players.

If i jump into Quickplay, I might just be up against a GM Tracer, or a Master Genji.
Not too easy to just “Play him from higher up” When you are being poked at, And Dived on for the entire game.

And yes, Console is a bit Different. In some ways easier, But in some ways Harder.


I’m assuming you’re talking about the illios control point that has those? Bastion by himself on any ledge or high ground there is not going to push the enemy team back. They will just jump on you from the right or poke at you with a myriad of different heroes: Gengi, Pharah, Soldier, Zen etc.


Probably because we are in an over all meta where dive and speed characters are more viable his best maps are payloads. ANd only when he has at least 1 anchor tank,

And the bottom 2 rungs won’t out balance the higher level sr. With games that use him as a quick switch because their team is losing hard.

Or maybe people just literally don’t want to play him for the purpose of wanting to play a different character they like.

30 million people play this game. If everyone plat and higher already play one of the major 6 characters right now, the percentage points start to drop hard. And the best composition right now is 2 2 and 2. So unless everyone knows characters at the higher level that play around him. They won’t run a comp he plays well in.

The fact that he only works on payload with his entire team playing around him should tell you somethings wrong with his balance.


You are literally complaining about characters that counter him.


I said one anchor tank, and then once you have 1 anchor tank you clearly have to work from their. 1 anchor tank could be rein or orisa. Orisa and rein work best with 1 off tank. Road or zarya. Well if you pick zarya you will want to also have the secondary dps to be a combo with her. And if you are playing payload lucio is a great pick for constant healing. And on from there.

Synergizing compostion with characters doesn’t equal unbalance lol

Some characters work best on different game modes. Sombra works best on 2 cp and koth. Is she broke again now?

Yes, i am saying that instead of just “Going somewhere higher” I would be up against stronger counters than you might see in game.
Who would keep me from ever getting to these places Too easily, And Be Very hard to deal with if they dive onto me.

I’m sorry to have to say this, as i never pull the “Rank” Card, But i would simply be up against Stronger Players than a Gold Player might be.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
I try not to be mean, But it’s true.


What about the Quad tank meta? Bastion should be extremely effective versus all those tanks, but he’s not. Bastion isn’t always viable on payload maps either.


My point is he needs an anchor tank to begin with, nobody else needs that in order to work. And he works on payload maps only on attack. That’s not supposed to happen to a defense hero. Especially one that’s not supposed to move.


THank you! I was saying that sentry needs his old style back a lot of times. Finally a good detailed post for Bastion. In the moment he is the most team dependent hero in the game. If no one helps you he is garbage in every situation. If your complete team plays with you you are almost unkillable.
Just revert to the old sentry and then we could look into other things. He was all about sentry from the beginning otherwise we could play 76. the rework was just a pain for us Bastion mains. I hope Blizz read some of this…


So it is suddenly wrong that your properly countered and outplayed. Once again asking for a hand out lmao and pulling rank doesn’t debunk my arguement.

Maybe you should play around the enemy team and actually counter them. You have a super accurate patrol mode(what is it called?) primary fire that is about as good or equal to soldiers primary spread. A

I think you should stop trying to know more about a hero than us if you don’t even know what his ability is called.


Huh? Every secondary tank needs a primary tank to begin with.
Zen and lucio always need a secondary healer

Tracer always needs a second dps.

Any in the front line character almost will always require a shield or damage blocking style ability.

So no bastion isn’t magically an outlier when once again synergies is a very important thing.

I feel like we are clogging up this post with an unnecessary argument with someone who doesn’t even play the character.


Aw yeah. Cuss I forget the proper name. Very strong arguement very much indeed make way for the brilliant redesign of bastion guys. Where none of his counters will counter him wooot woot

except there’s also solo healing. Solo dps in a triple tank. Or even no dps in a quad tank. They do not require any of the things you said they require.


So in a quad tank. Who does the damage?

Diva zarya or road hog.
Who is the anchor tank orisa winston or rein. Most often rein.

Pretty stupid argument when the offtanks are the replacements for the dps.

Solo heals require for either more self healers or more damage so the amount of output of damage bests the enemy’s teams damage and lowers the amount of healing needed from the solo healer or allows for the team to push someone off them before they go critical

He has 16 counters. I think you can figure them out for yourself. Think of Bastion’s weaknesses (range, unable to move, large hitbox, and some CC takes him out of sentry) and then think of the heroes that have any of those.

Shaving off a couple would do him good. Old sentry still had problems with long range and those special CC, but he properly countered tanks like he’s supposed to do. With the rework I proposed, Minitank still leaves him very slow as it cripples his movement by 50% and he doesn’t do as much damage to tanks anymore. Each mode has its weakness and its strength. Recon has mobility and super accurate and range but is a gigantic target. Sentry has super high damage and moderate accuracy, but can’t move. Minitank has reduced movement and dps but has burst and accuracy for smaller heroes.


This is not a game of rock paper Scissors.

For one Player to Counter another So hard that it is considered “Throwing” To not switch off of the character you are playing, Is Proof that said character needs Improvements.

Thank you for proving my point.