💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

I don’t care what you did/didn’t do, just stop doing what you’re doing/not doing.


This sounds like a fine idea, one problem I could see is the possibility it promoting a more spamy playstyle, where you are encouraged to shoot at nothing in order for your shots to get more acurate.

I know but I’m beneath the barrel still scraping away at this point.

If digging beneath the barrel becomes too difficult, I have a backhoe you can borrow to find more ideas with.

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I just wanna point at the fact that, with this fiasco, we have/will have confirmation that the Blizz team is ignoring Bastion related thread.
I was thinking of breaking ToS to test it back in the old thread but now it’s a non-issue.

Well, his current kit is even worse in that regard. They gave him a bunch of ammo and no accuracy so you just hold down LMB and hope you hit your target. At least with this is gets accurate enough to hit your target part way in which speeds up the TTK in a drawn out engagement or continuous fire on a single target.

One way to discourage teams from pocketing Bastion with healing and shields is to revert Sentry Gun’s changes, giving Bastion more freedom to engage targets at long range, behind the people that shield-tanks want to shield and that healers want to heal. This also actually makes Bastion more vulnerable to flankers, since he will often be alone.

This is how it works for Widowmaker, and how Hanzo worked before his massive buff.

Another way is to make Bastion’s transformations faster and safer, without reverting Sentry Gun at all. Faster transformations with instant Ironclad/Armor give Bastion the ability to move with his team, picking up and setting down immediately to react to his team’s decision to move or hold ground. He still remains a vulnerable, easy target in Turret Mode, but can more easily begin to dodge a Storm Arrow barrage or Pharah’s third rocket.

This is how it works for Orisa, who must choose whether to move with her team at full speed or decide to shoot at the cost of sacrificing mobility and the risk of falling behind her team and getting caught alone.

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The OP had some language removed in the old one I believe so they’re at least moderating it.

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Oh boi Phrah’s back.
Imma hide!
Please don’t hurt me.png

  • they locked me out for using the word slap.
  • they changed the title 3 times.
    • once for the stopsign, which was like 1-2 months past when I first posted it
    • second for the time I added back in the stopsign, and added bliz plz to the end of it
    • third time for the stopsign again and removed the (320 likes, 5000 responses)

At this point Stalin looks like a saint.


Now as for the past 100-200 replies, I can’t say that I’m not disappointed.

I’ve put too much time and effort into the original post that yet it seems like it’s getting ignored by the masses, probably due to short attention spans.

Now I can accept that people won’t like Bastion for X, Y, Z, but the only problem I have is when you start cutting people off. Think of it like driving; it’s OK to change lanes, but NOT OK to turn into a new lane immediately without using a turn signal.

If this thread gets locked, I at least have the rest assured that I can repost it, since some time ago they changed how links work, and as long as the source is trusted the link will work.

However, don’t devolve into mud slingers.


I don’t think I’d like that one… I just want his damage to not feel like complete RNG. He does fine damage when he can actually hit people, but the problem is that he can’t hit people. I want to feel like I’m actually contributing to the team, not just spamming a few people with Winston level damage (technically more, but that’s what it feels like) until they decide that I shouldn’t live anymore.

I would really like passive Ironclad to be gone. If they still want it as part of hit kit, apply it to repair, I think that’s where it should have been the entire time. It’s caused way more trouble than it has done good, it highly encourages pocket comps, which is really annoying to play because I don’t want to feel like I’m demanding the healer stay on me at all times. Give Sentry it’s power back (at least most of it), take away passive Ironclad, give Tank it’s armor back.


One thing I didn’t brush on is his current QoL buff. Either I dreamt it or somewhere he got a falloff buff along with Mei, McCree, and Soldier.

The problem isn’t his falloff, it’s how many bullets hit per a certain distance.

O yay, at 50m the 10 bullets that hit an enemy will do 60 damage over 30, yay.

In recon, it might help but it’s laughable that they carried it over into Sentry too, since he could have faloff at 100m and he still couldn’t kill a Dva at 20m because of his spread.

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Yeah, he was included in a blanket falloff buff (or nerf for Widowmaker). My chart for his damage at different ranges was done on PTR, so it takes the new falloff into account.


One unmentioned benefit of Bastion’s horrible spread is that it makes it more likely he will damage multiple targets within his cone of fire.

The reason no one cares is because Bastion has no way to capitalize upon this advantage at all. He has nothing to force his enemies into deathballs and deathballs generally mean multiple enemies focusing their fire upon him.

A laser sight in Sentry Mode would actually help make some use of this AoE advantage by showing your allies your area of effect and encouraging them to do what they can to funnel enemies into it.

I’m sorry.

It is not a good thing. You cant kill small targets and you are pretty useless at range. To top it off it rewards the “pray and pray” tactic and dont reward good aim. It is horrible and NOTHING of it is good…


Well, technically, yes… but they’ll be taking very little damage because not very many bullets will be hitting them.


Which is a moot point when he can’t secure a kill on just 1 target.

I’d rather get 1 important kill that puts our team in favor of winning and getting ganged up on, over spraying into an enemy team, killing no one, and getting an ult that is so weak because of previous nerfs that I can’t even get a kill with said ult.

Because the only way he could would be to have the damage to kill everyone that classifies as a multiple target (aka, grouped up). That pushes him back into OP territory. No thanks.

Him going uncontested put them in deathballs behind said Rein.

The problem isn’t him not focing enemies into awkward positions, it’s his range of which he needs to do it. You can’t break a barrier from beyond 20m, so it gives the enemy MORE time to kill the Bastion, since his damage was never adjusted against barriers. He could kill a barrier in the SAME TIME before from 30m away compared to a Bastion firing from 10m away currently.

Or teamwork. I’d rather Bastion get substantial buffs over some QoL that only replaces teamwork.

It’s fine. I don’t have time to dive into the drama, I just wanted to put a statement out.

dear god this thread started hotter then i imagined

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