šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I donā€™t believe that is necessary. What would his new Ultimate be anyways? My response will be based on your answer.


Where is Astroā€™s rework thread? Let me find it

Usually, Overclock goes with the Tank on E thing

  • Overclock (Ultimate Ability)
    • Adds 150 armor to all forms
      • Alternatively, gives passive 35% Ironclad in Sentry/Tank, and 20% Ironclad in Recon. These are not bound to repair, they are passive.
    • Instantly reloads all ammo for all forms
    • Reduces transformation time by half
    • Lasts 8 seconds
  • Overclock (Recon mode)
    • Increases movement by 18% (From 5.5 m/s to 6.5 m/s)
    • Increases rate of fire by 50% (From 8 r/s to 12 r/s)
    • Reduce reload speed by 50% (From 1.5 s to 1 s)
  • Overclock (Sentry mode)
    • Grants CC immunity
    • Increases rate of fire by 16% to (From 30 r/s to 35 r/s)
  • Overclock (Tank mode)
    • Recharge rate decreased to 1 second (Normally 2 seconds)
    • Increase direct hit damage to 205
    • Reverts splash damage and radius to their current values
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Read it, it is really well done

Hey >:c! That was mine

Ok no, thanks lmao

That oneā€™s from mineā€¦ most of my rework threads died a few months ago though :confused:

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No, I meant the reply of which would be his ult lmao. Overclock has been a very popular idea for a long time. I didnā€™t want to look like it was my idea xD

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Oh, I see

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I donā€™t like it, not that it isnā€™t good or anything. Part of the problem is the lack of noticeable change to a battle, Torb had basically the same ultimate, but due it wasnā€™t something too flashy. It also just doesnā€™t suit Bastion as a character to me. Tank is something relatively impactful right now.

The only real problems with is how clunky it is to enter, leave tank and the lack of transparency of the tank HUD.

Bastion should remain a relatively simple character with most of his characteristics devoted to damage, only some towards tankiness. Messing around with these core characteristics moves him further away from him being the Hyper immobile DPS. He ceases to be a Heavy or a Kogā€™Maw or a Droideka of Overwatch and I donā€™t agree with that.

Maybe if you know how to rocket jump, and generally behave like a Bastion isnā€™t meant to.

Bastionā€™s Ultimate fails to be more dangerous than his Shift. It exchanges what kinds of targets he can kill (squishies) but doesnā€™t make him any good at chasing them or hitting them, and meanwhile he becomes even more terrible against Tanks than he normally is.

At least if he kept the chain gun in Tank Mode, he could be dangerous. He could actually move in closer to use the gun at its optimal range, and retreat to keep people from getting close enough to abuse his camera.

You are vastly underestimating the power of tankmode.

He can fire 8 shots during his ult.

3 direct hits = 615 Damage. That is far from laughable.

4 direct hits on squishies, and itā€™s just the tanks to deal with.

Even killing 2 squishies but positioning yourself in a good location can be monumental to your success.

Tank isnā€™t strictly kill kill kill. You get what you can, you play what you can.

The biggest detriment to tank is the fact that his rework axed the survivability needed for the mode.

I got a 4K earlier in this thread, and itā€™s because I didnt focus the tanks over the squishies.

This is about as simple as it getsā€¦ Just some buffs to his modes, not a whole new mode that would complicate things.

Yeah, I like Tank on Q, Iā€™m just saying thatā€™s the most popular replacement ult for Tank on Eā€¦

Geoff said that buffs to him are coming, but no planned rework (although he stated that if they rework someone, bastion will probably be the first one theyā€™d look at).
We can hope they are serious buffs that make him better.
Iā€™d be happy with just headshot and burst spread like soldier on turret. It would reward aim and timing, while not making him oppressive at lower ranks.

Iā€™m just afraid itā€™s going to be something dumb like +5% ironclad.

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My guess is faster reconfigure speed, less spread in sentry, and a reduction of reconā€™s reload speed.

or maybe more tank shots as there is a bug on ptr right now that gives a extra shot

so. I made another thread that talks to Geoff about what Bastion changes are ?asked for? by Bastion mains as to not make him a must-pick, or break him in an OP way.

Should I post it, or do you think the mobs will be on me, and remove the thread.

I made the thread since Iā€™m seeing a few threads pop up about Bastion, and I donā€™t want Bastion getting either useless buffs, or buffs that would otherwise break him in an OP way.

So yay or nay?

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As long as it doesnā€™t mention a dev name, the words ā€œdev/eloperā€ ā€œblueā€ ā€œOrangeā€ or any of that in direct context, it should be fine.

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I made a thread about how to change him in a good way. Terran gave me a like but no one commented.

I know, but Iā€™d rather see a small shield added to E instead of Tank.