šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Bastion need a second abilitie I think. This will make him more cool to play.

ThatĀ“s so sad, my friend canĀ“t see part of blue, so he doesnĀ“t knows who is his teammate sometimes

it will. but bliz needs to wake up and notice that

I think I am on his ā€œIgnore listā€ now :frowning:

I have to use sleep gn8

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Night! See you tomorrow so we can suffer we the new Torb lmao


So the forums are broken.
Iā€™m getting notifications for posts high up in the thread.

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Yup, me too, something happened

So McreeĀ“s roll is now 6 secondsā€¦ Now I am scared

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Seems like the shields have been changed.
Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll add a opacity option for the shields at some point, I canā€™t see through red shields. xD


Maybe thatĀ“s the objective of the change :thinking:???

theres a bastion dune buggy bug fixedā€¦
in the least theres that.

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Funny enough that was a thing that annoyed the hell outa me.

Good to see something fixed.

Now if only i could respawn in Mystery FFA Without staring at a black screen for half a day.

I Literally get killed half the time before i can Move.

hey jared, liked the buff?

Grav and molten core anyone?

I guess im gonna die the next update.

if not it wont matter.
torb is here to make your life a living hell

What buff?

i mean which one :wink:

fusion driver one.
maximum spread reduced from 1.5 to 1.2


if not them you might as well cry cuz they wont listen to a word you and the orisa mains think.

Patch notes are live?

Hmm thats something but i guess i need to test it first. Its not like i can live long enough on orisa to do anything plus the heals are so crazy i deal no dmg when headshoting.