šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Itā€™ll go nicely with my razer toasterā€¦


You know, the only person who would say something like that is a yellow gutted rumble top with no pears to spare, but you catch the radio spores so I guess itā€™s all good.

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Round about 357 new posts letā€™s seeā€¦

Discussion from two people that escalatedā€¦

Omelett and potatoe postsā€¦

3000 posts hypeā€¦

And still no dev commentā€¦

So just a normal day as a Bastion Main. I still think that someday I will woke up look at this thread with 300+ new replyā€™s and see a blue finally talking to us.


My gf is Bastion main first and foremost, then supports, but sheā€™s not a forum person, so please just consider you have her support.


Thank you and your GF for your support. Greet her from us :slight_smile:

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With Ironclad, I agree that he needed a damage nerf. However, he basically got a damage removal. His spread makes his weapon one of the most inconsistent in the game for his optimal range which is dumb. Hereā€™s a post detailing his damage numbers further, it would be really nice if you could give that a quick look so that you can see how bad his damage really is.

Instead of increasing his spread to ā€œreduce his damageā€, they should have reduced the actual damage number. Give him something like 10 - 12 damage, but keep his spread the same and keep headshots. Also give him a damage boost to barriers so that he keeps his DPS against those the same. Then he would have had a lower TTK on enemies, yet he would still be more skill based because landing headshots allows him to do more damage.

However, I would still prefer Ironclad to be removed entirely and give him old Sentry back.


l * slaps the top of the bastion * l

This bad boy can fit so many salty tears and op claims.



Im not sure if i posted this already but here we go again.

When i was playing yesterday i noticed that whenever i wanted to actually play hammond, there was a bastion main on the enemy teamā€¦

How rare is that?

Happened twice. Thanks.

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Blizzard didnā€™t want to buff bastion, so they released a target dummy for bastion to make us feel better, donā€™t give in!

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Thing is:
Bastion is not the best counter for Hammond.

Slaps top of Thread
This bad boy can fit so many ignored requests in it.


No, but he is fun to shootā€¦ Havenā€™t played much no limits on live, but I played on PTR, and I could take on like 2-3 Hammonds at a time as Bastion

I havenā€™t had much experience interacting with the two, but I would have thought a bastion would at least counter him (doesnā€™t need to be the best at it), hammond is pretty much the size of bastions spread for quite a bit of distance

Playing bastion is truly depressing.

I have to put so much skill into a fight that should be won against lower ranks, no shields, not many heals, yet i struggle less when i play ana.


Iā€™m sorry but no. Yes Bastion is very under used but at lower ranks (anywhere below diamond) bastion would DESTROY lower skilled players. This is not only due to low mechanics but mostly to teamwork issues. Your suggested changes would be too much and instantly put bastion as a must pick in every game. 40% less spread would be insane especially with 1.5x headshot. GOD NO PLEASE. The best time to jump a bastion is when heā€™s moving between forms and giving 50% is INSANE. He would be able to survive almost anything. Your idea about him sliding off is GENIUS though. Maybe think about bastion having a max timer in sentry? that way he canā€™t just sit the entire game and put it on a cooldown? If that were the case, 50% reduction would be completely justifiable as well as the healing. The ult idea seems okay and balanced.

This is false.
Iā€™m plat. Been playing anywhere from silver to plat and EVERY time I picked Bastion, Iā€™d get destroyed.
And Iā€™m no bad bastion.

Actually, sentry revert would be 33% lower spread and 2x HS.
That and remove IC

Iā€™ve smurfed in lower ranks (NOT PLAYING MY MAINS AND TO LEARN SUPPORT) and watching my or the enemy team get ripped by a bastion because of low teamwork. Itā€™s not every game but the majority.

Thing is weā€™re proposing lots of options in the OP and youā€™re not pinpointing what youā€™re talking about.

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He used to have lower spread than that, and 2x headshot multipliers yet he was still a troll pick, how would 1.5x make him a must pick?

I do agree about the 50% reduction while transforming, I would much rather just enable him to heal during it.

Sliding off the payload would just break him. Why would he be the only hero that canā€™t use a payload, that doesnā€™t make any senseā€¦

Sentry on cooldown would completely ruin him. If you want people to not sit in Sentry all the time, then just remove Ironclad. Sentry is supposed to be his primary attack mode, if he were meant to use Recon all the time, he would just be a worse version of Soldier.

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