šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Time Zones.
Round Earth.


Everyone move to EST, this is a minor inconvenience to me


Come on we all know itā€™s FLAT.

Donā€™t go down that route, people will believe you.
You have no idea the kind of argument used to ā€œproveā€ the Earth flat.

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I watched many many flat earthers debate, itā€™s hilarious.

The problem is he doesnā€™t do great damage. Or at least, itā€™s very inconsistent damage. And thatā€™s why he relies on his team so much, because if he were on his own, he doesnā€™t have the damage to defend himself, and Ironclad isnā€™t strong enough to let him survive until he can kill the attacker. Hereā€™s a thread if you donā€™t believe me

If you want to label that as a baseless accusation, fine. I can understand you seeing it that way.

But it had more basis than your ranting about me saying he was OP. Mine was an opinion on what youā€™d said, yours was a manufactured concoction that I never even implied.

And none of that was a personal insult. You can not like what I said but I was being civil.

Those are personal insults. And Iā€™m not ā€˜pretty sureā€™, I well know who started making them.

Youā€™re still interpretting it into something it wasnā€™t about. Iā€™m not saying it ā€˜took low skillā€™ as some broad stroke about Bastion. Iā€™m saying it was too rewarding of low skill play. They are two different things.

His skill FLOOR was too low with old Sentry. (And his ceiling not high enough despite it!) Thatā€™s what made it possible for him to be oppressive in lower rank play but falter at higher ranks.


It is on balance terms. He was badly balanced with old Sentry. His skill floor was too low. (problem 1) His skill ceiling was not high enough. (problem 2)

If you want a more general statement, beyond the fact that old Sentry was actually better at ā€˜spray and prayingā€™ than current (which was my only point). Then alrightā€¦

The answer to those issues in my opinion is not to reintroduce problem 1 in an effort to resolve problem 2. Because weā€™ve already seen it DIDNā€™T. So he needs to be buffed in other ways. Other means that a player can display their skill.

I do think thereā€™s room for some Sentry buffing in there. Just not a full revert because of that skill floor issue it creates.

And again, you can tell yourself whatever you like.

The intention was meant in the vein of ā€˜I believe you actually realize this on some level, but instinctively object to it because you donā€™t like it being presented in this way.ā€™.

So perhaps I could have worded it better, but it was by no means slimy. At least Iā€™ve had the integrity to say I could understand you considering that baseless and made an effort to clarify the intent for you.

You telling me I want him to be F tier when Iā€™d obviously said no such thing, then calling me ā€˜to lazy or lacking skill to deal with himā€™ ā€” that was a personal insult.

Donā€™t even try spinning it around or acting like they are in any way comparable. I never personally insulted you or your ability. End of story.

Duh, the Earth is accelerating at 9.81 m/s2 upwardsā€¦ I mean, yeah, weā€™d be going way faster than the speed of light by now, but just ignore that partā€¦

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Whereā€™s Chibi when we need someone to say

Having more basis doesnā€™t mean having good basis, and what I said there is my opinion on why think like you do. Donā€™t try to separate mine as some unreasonable blabber while trying to make yours into a productive argument/opinion.

And yeah, I was being civil too.

Glad we can understand each other.

Oh, now I understand. Anyway, I still disagree, the damage he could do was warranted because of his other downsides, ESPECIALLY not being able to move.

His skill floor before was the exact same, maybe even harder than now. I havenā€™t played him in so long, I forgot how he feels exactly.

Okay, so itā€™s a design statement, not a balance statement.

Thatā€™s a very tunnel vision way of looking at the issue, the only thing youā€™re paying attention to is his Sentry form, while being completely oblivious (Or straight up purposefully ignoring) the rest of his kit.

ā€œHmm, Bastion was in a strange position beforeā€¦ā€


ā€œSentry form!ā€

How can you be so sure?

ā€œSentry form!ā€

I donā€™t know what type of culture you come from, but thatā€™s straight up throwing dirt when you say that about someone in an argument.

ā€œYou know it, but you deny it because you want to sit in your own false reality.ā€

Thatā€™s an insult to a persons integrity, so I understand if you didnā€™t intend it that way, itā€™s all fine, Iā€™m not holding it against you, but donā€™t try to do a 180 and say ā€œOh Iā€™m all innocent and you should be ashamedā€.

He can not like my opinion, but Iā€™d been civil.
Iā€™d in no way directed any personal insults toward him.

Thatā€™s the point.

Thereā€™s a huge difference between him taking offense at something Iā€™d said that was not personal, and making a blatant direct insult. Iā€™m not putting up with that garbage and then trying to put it off on me.

Again, Iā€™m sorry if you donā€™t think saying ā€œYou know it, but you deny it because you want to sit in your own false reality.ā€ to someone wasnā€™t an insult, if thatā€™s your definition of being civil, letā€™s be civil then.

FYI: Repeating ā€œit aint a directed personal attack thoā€ doesnā€™t make it any less of a directed personal attack in its actual reality.

Zaydar, wanna go do some rocket jump training ? :smiley:

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Oh my lord the timing, I was just going to reply to Katarina once more before going off to sleep for a few hours.

We do have a lot to experiment though, for example the payload maps, to check if there is any spots to jump to from the payload.

Itā€™s whatā€¦ the 3rd time in a row the timing is perfect ?

You should be able to jump into the window in the second half of Junkertown with a good jump from the payload I think. I canā€™t remember if I jumped from there, or the little high ground near the windowā€¦

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Yes, I usually go to sleep around 10am-3pm these days and then wake up like 3 or 4 hours later, my sleep schedule is screwed.

And Iā€™m waiting for Katarina to finish typing because he takes like 30 minutes each message to finish.

Iā€™m sorry but the way you said that is bugging me a bit, are you uhā€¦ Uhā€¦ Uhā€¦

Suggesting Iā€™m lying?

Not at all, just checking.
Believe it or not, sometimes I get linked to people.
For exemple, Iā€™m always coming on my PC at the exact same time as a friend of mine.

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