Bastion is usually the least picked hero in the higher tiers of competitive

Just check Overbuff stats: “This month, PC, competitive, All, Platinum-Grandmaster”

Lowest pickrate: Bastion

Honestly, if this doesn’t show how much of a bad state Bastion is in, I don’t know what does. I am actually surprised Bastion hasn’t gotten any form of significant rework yet.

Sombra and Symmetra are already reworked in the PTR, Torbjorn’s rework is confirmed to be in internal testing. But Bastion? I haven’t heard anything about him.

The falloff change he got in PTR is as minor as can be. McCree and Soldier: 76 both have some emphasis on mid-long range combat. Bastion, not so much. With his giant hitbox and lack of mobility, Bastion isn’t going to want to get into long range engagements to begin with.

The power creep is real. Right now, Bastion just feels like the most left back hero in the entire game.

Some people are worried about buffing Bastion, to prevent his sentry mode from being too oppressive in certain situations. Well, the simple and solid answer to that would be just buff the recon and tank forms.

Even some simple utility like letting him mark targets in recon could have a significant increase in his viability. This is just one of hundreds of potential changes that could lift Bastion from rock bottom.

I am not asking for Bastion to be meta, but it just feels depressing when I pick Bastion and people automatically assume it is a troll pick.


It could be interesting to have him shift quicker between each form in exchange of not reloading his turret form while in sentry (So you would need to reload instead of shifting back > waiting a second > shifting again). This would make him more mobile, but giving him a limit to how much he can spam bullets.

(And now that I think about it, this would require to make his self-heal a little weaker too, since it’ll make his survivability way better)

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I don’t think you should be asking for reworks.

Blizzards new Philosophy is how do we make this character worse after the rework

We’ve (Bastion mains that is) come up with a few good rework ideas that hopefully they would at least look at before trying to rework him. My personal favorite is putting a nerfed version of Tank on E, buffing Sentry ever so slightly (pretty much just a spread buff), and replacing his ultimate with something similar to Molten Core.

Here's the current version that I've been working on
  • General changes
    • Being stunned during a transformation now instantly completes the transformation
  • Configuration Recon
    • Reload time reduced to 1.5 seconds (Formerly 2 seconds)
  • Configuration Sentry
    • Headshots added (1.5x multiplier instead of 2x)
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches a maximum of 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Reload time increased to 2.5 seconds (Formerly 2 seconds)
  • Configuration Tank (E Ability)
    • Damage reduced to 120 (Formerly 205)
      • Splash damage now ranges from 40 - 85 damage (Formerly 70 - 145)
    • Splash radius reduced to 2 meters (Formerly 4 meters)
    • Tank tread sounds reduced
    • 3 shots per clip
    • Ammo reloads over time similar to Doomfist’s gun
      • Shot timer and reload timer are independent, meaning he can reload shots even while shooting. This gives an effective 5 shots to begin with, and then one shot every 2 seconds afterwards.
    • Ammo reloads at 1 shell per 2 seconds
    • No self damage
    • Transformation time reduced to 1 second (Formerly 1.5 seconds)
  • Ironclad (Passive)
    • Persistent Ironclad is removed from all modes (Sentry and Tank)
    • Ironclad is now bound to Self-repair
    • Ironclad can now be activated even in Recon mode
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it does not heal Bastion
    • Starts healing instantly instead of having an 0.5 second delay
    • Applies 25% Ironclad for duration of repair
  • Overclock (Ultimate Ability)
    • Adds 150 armor to all forms
      • Alternatively, gives passive 35% Ironclad in Sentry/Tank, and 20% Ironclad in Recon. These are not bound to repair, they are passive.
    • Instantly reloads all ammo for all forms
    • Reduces transformation time by half
    • Lasts 8 seconds
  • Overclock (Recon mode)
    • Increases movement by 18% (From 5.5 m/s to 6.5 m/s)
    • Increases rate of fire by 50% (From 8 r/s to 12 r/s)
    • Reduce reload speed by 50% (From 1.5 s to 1 s)
  • Overclock (Sentry mode)
    • Grants CC immunity
    • Increases rate of fire by 16% to (From 30 r/s to 35 r/s)
  • Overclock (Tank mode)
    • Recharge rate decreased to 1 second (Normally 2 seconds)
    • Increase direct hit damage to 205
    • Reverts splash damage and radius to their current values

If you want to see it in more detail, here’s a link: In-depth "Tank on E" rework for Bastion

If they listen to the people that play him, I think a second rework could be really good for him. I just really hope they listen though…

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From what I last check, Bastion and Sombra are competing for that last spot currently. But that doesn’t explain how both are really bad at this time but Sombra is the only getting changes.


In general, yeah, they’re competing pretty well. But in Platinum onwards, he’s the least picked by a pretty good margin. In Diamond - GM, he’s picked half or less than the next higher up (Torb).

not that these reworks made them More balanced