Bastion is to OP to be buffed

Bastion just sits there stationary, and is hard to hit, he’s only countred by over half the overwatch roaster (now including Echo). He’s able to shoot people and he has 250 hp, he can also Jump and move positions. this busted OP hero should Not receive any buffs.

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I remember when people started complaining about how OP Bastion was and that he was ruining the playerbase.

Cough People are leaving overwatch because bastion needs a nerf Cough

Then he got a buff, many people complained about it being unnecessary and that the game is broken.

Cue present day, people complain about him being dumpster tier.
(How did this hero die because of indirect buffs? I would’ve never expected that)
[Also where did this Bastion love come from lol]

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You’re right he shouldnt get any buffs.

He is capable of winning the game in any match no matter the rank.

Hell even teams on the OWL have used him at times to make a strong last defence and more times then not it works.

The only reason ppl dont use him isnt because be is weak because with tbe highest dps in the game and the ability to heal himself he sure as hell isnt weak.

It’s because he is completely boring to play as and considering most (not all) dps chase kills to get potg being a character that just sits there melting everything isnt cool to watch.

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