Bastion is being forgotten

You know out all the things with tracers kit, pulse bomb was the thing i hated the least. I thought it was more of an issue with Bastion that he got one shot then tracer.

But I’m not complaining.


Tbh I feel kinda bad for Genji. That Deflect hit box was broke pretty badly, but if Brig and Sombra become meta then rip the ninja.

I don’t like seeing any character in F-tier, since mine has been there for awhile. :frowning:

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I don’t feel bad for that guy. Anyways he wont be F tier. He will have to be more cautious now.


I personally, Can’t wait for the: “I keep dying as Gengu, pls Fix!” Threads to pop up… :smile_cat:

Since they wont have as much of a Get out of harm free card anymore.


Regardless I feel Tracer’s are going to have a much harder time against Bastion now. Recon match up will be about the same I think, but even still he will live with 5 health due to armor yes?

If this change sticks I think that the Sentry match up goes from 80/20 to 60/40. And Tank might even be in Bastion’s favor.


I think it said specifically it is still gonna cover his body. I think it is gonna be more like he has to be actually shot at in order to deflect.

I don’t think it will effect Genji’s ‘get out of jail’ at all. Make it so that the offensive potential and the ability to block for teammates will be lowered significantly.

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By “get out of harm free” i mean Mccree’s and such will Actually Be killing gengus now.

And it’s amazing.

That, and can we all rejoice at the Removal of Scatter arrow? :thinking:

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For scatter I actually think that the ‘Storm arrow’ is going to be ten times worse for Bastion specifically. I haven’t tried it, or played against it.

Call it a gut feeling.

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The only problem with this is, Tracer can, and without a doubt will, Lay a whole Magazine into you During/After the Bomb. -.-

Perhaps Brigitte will help counter this? Lol

Bastion is also left “Alive” After being pinned by Rein.
But no bastion ever survives it, anyways.


You are not wrong. That’s why I still left it in Tracer’s favor. Just gonna take much more commitment from her to kill us now.

Also gives time for the Mercy/Moira/Ana/Brig to react.


It could be, But… As far as i can tell so far, he’s pretty darn Loud now.

Bastion could stand quite a chance compared to being deleted without warning.


All these changes though that were pretty annoying for bastion will make his life a ton easier. Lets see how this all goes.


I’m getting the PTR loaded up on 22 fps set up just to test this new hanzo.
Gotta see how it works before I can make a judgment call.

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I haven’t gotten it loaded yet, but…

I’m pretty sure i saw this ability back in Paladins before i started with OW. :smile_cat:

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I made a video on the PTR changes! Prepare to cringe!

turns out the quality sucks. Sorry, I don’t know why that’s happening.

Oh wow the quality really does suck super bad. :frowning: sorry :frowning:


Part of the reason I quit playing this game is because of stuff like this. Developers grossed 10 billion in a year yet updates are slow as molasses, and balance changes often aren’t what was needed and are left there for months. Ridiculous how these devs update at the pace that games like Terraria update at.


What’s wrong with the changes? All of them are things we have asked for and then some and as soon as we get it people complain about it :P

All the tracer mains crying, boo hoo. Besides, its just the ult. You can still 1 clip people if you are good enough. everything about her kit is still the same, just not her ult.


Is it just me or is it scuffed a little, like the quality.

Other than that its fire. Keep it up!

Yeah it is. I have no clue why because I normally don’t have any problems like that.

edit: I think it’s because it’s the PTR. It generally doesn’t work well for me.

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