Bastion is being forgotten

It doesn’t look like it would be a button, it’s just the word “Replies” On the right hand side of the screen, Above the first post at the top.

It should highlight like This When scrolled over with your mouse.

Wow 3 posts and such a useless comment. Did you really think that we would stop after months of work? Sorry buddy but when we reach 4750 posts we create another thread and will continue. We will stop when they buff or change bastion to be viable.

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I’m on mobile, Chibi


This complicates things.

Yeah, turns out I was wrong. Thanks for the video, I had trouble finding a good one when trying to find what he was like before…

Yeah, I updated it a little after you said that, because it did seem like a bit much. I then updated it again after Hammond hit PTR to match his a little more closely, but not exactly. I’m just going from memory, but I think I now have it as 1.25 degrees to start, bloom starts at 0.3 seconds, and reaches 2 degrees after a total of 0.6 or 0.7 seconds total (from when he started shooting), I can’t remember what I put it at. I think I might set it at 0.5 total though to match the old one better. It’s still not exact, because the spread looks to have started almost instantly then, but again, with the slightly larger initial spread, I personally think that evens out…

Thanks for the video though, I was just going off of 1.5 year old memory which was apparently way off…

Bastion bad, make Bastion good pls. shameless plug List of reworks. Pls Jeff, you’re buffing all the other f-tier heroes… We just want something at this point, just a “We’re looking at Bastion, not entirely sure what to do with him” would do just fine…

All caught up

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So in unrelated news… I Think I just revived an old I-Pod that has been dead and un-charge-able for multiple years.

It’s Gondola is useless.

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I remembered another rework from the old forums, and added it to my list… It’s the one that switched Bastion from red-eye mode to blue-eye mode kinda like in the cinematic…

PTSD Rework (Pretend it has a good name)
  • PTSD Mode (E Ability)
    • Functions similarly to Lucio’s crossfade
    • Swaps between 2 modes
    • Red mode is for more damage, less accuracy
    • Blue mode is for less damage, more accuracy, higher potential DPS
    • Only available in Sentry mode
  • Configuration Sentry (Red mode)
    • Damage increased to 16
  • Configuration Sentry (Blue mode)
    • Headshots added
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.2 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches a maximum of 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Damage reduced to 13
    • Rate of fire decreased to 25
    • Ironclad reduced to 15% damage reduction
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
    • Starts healing instantly instead of having an 0.5 second delay
    • Able to reload while repairing
  • Configuration Tank
    • No self damage
    • Tread sounds reduced slightly
    • Base Ironclad increased to 35%
    • Ironclad applied immediately instead of after transformation

Now that I think about it, Hammond doesn’t really counter Bastion himself, but he does kinda counter Bastion in a team setting… If you’re running Bastion, you probably have a tank and healer on you, meaning that’s 3 people pretty close together. When Hammond comes in, he can get an easy 400 health from that by pressing E. He doesn’t need to kill the Bastion, just be a big enough distraction with a big enough healthpool to disrupt it. It gets even worse if the rest of Bastion’s team is playing together, as Hammond just gets more and more shields from pressing E.

Bastion can easily take out a Hammond or two, but when you combine it with and Winston for a triple-tank dive comp, Bastion is going to be pretty much useless. There’s too much health to chip away, and Bastion’s team is probably going to lose a lot more than the enemy team will, especially if the tanks ignore Bastion and focus the healers. Yeah, ignoring the Bastion might get one of them killed, but they can most likely take out more than the Bastion will be able to…

Obviously, there are more factors at play, no one is running Bastion (<cough> at all </cough>) as the only DPS, but it’s just something I thought about…

I’m glad you found it helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t 100% remember the details either after so long.
(what size it started, how long it took…)

Even if we don’t agree on the best way to buff him, it makes for healthier discussion if we’re all sharing the same understanding of how his abilities do or did function stats wise.

Yeah, definitely… working from different reference material is a really good way to crash a multi-billion dollar rover into the surface of Mars.

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Well now I’m sad after watching that video :(. Even at 30 meters he still wasn’t hitting all his shots on the training bot which is already an abnormally large target.

That white reticle though :nauseated_face:. You can hardly see it…

“We’re trying all kind of crazy abilities, like what if we had a mini molten core as his E”



;-; We have to stop making suggestions or it’ll just be given to the next hero who gets a change :frowning:

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Apparently I can’t post links in this thread, but I can in others… I have no idea how these forums work :confused:

I just checked you’re level 2 again. I think you got flagged for something.

I mean, I just posted a link in another thread a few minutes ago…

im tired of this bs, seriously. i entered ptr to bully some dumb hammonds, but in the end i got completely shutdown by sombra-sym-hanzo all at once. passed the rest of the game on my spawn door afraid of hacks, balls, mines and quick asf arrows


Had something similar with a Junkrat calling me an [expletive] for playing Bastion and ruining the gamemode… No one else on my team shot at him, so he kept me in spawn moderately well…

I’m glad to see Bastion is just outright hated in the community, warms me up inside.